Being awoken by the sun rising on the beach made waking up at my usual awakening hour a lot more bearable than when I'm waking up in a pitch black dorm room to start cleaning, although we didn't get up to see the cassowary that apparently always goes past one particular hut every single morning.
Although a bit pushed for time (we had to get the car back within 24 hours) we stopped on the way back at Crystal Cascades, a series of cascades (surprisingly!). I was too scared to do run and jumps off the rocks into one of the pools(i.e. so that you could avoid the shallow water just in front of you), but didn't mind doing the ones where you could just jump in(that were deep enough to not have to jump in too far away from the edge). I tried to get up to where all the boys were jumping, but it was too slippery and I wasn't tall enough to climb it. Plus the only way to get back was to jump, and I'm not sure I would have had the confidence to do it… maybe next time when we don't have to rush back to give the car back!
I met Bex and Joe (a Swedish boy who left today) at the lagoon for a few hours, and then me, Bex, Alice and Amanda (Joe's friend, who is staying on in Cairns) all went to get sushi from Sushi Paradise, where everyone seems to be getting an addiction to (Alice had sushi for breakfast, lunch and dinner yesterday, and Bex got cravings for it, despite not actually liking fish!).
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