Had another wee lie in today which was awesome, dunno how am gonna manage to get up for a bus at 7 tomoroow morning :( Never mind i'll try and get an early night and at the moment i hav a room to myself which would b pretty good but also a tad weird!
Went to the Te Papa Museum today and this thing is massive! While I was wandering around there was a school brass band playing to raise money to build a new school. So i stopped to watch them and they were amazing, was well impressed! They played mostly Christmas music with a bit of other stuff thrown in. However when they sang the Christmas stuff it made tears come to my eyes, think it must be cause am missing home and know i wont be there for Christmas :( I actually nearly burst out crying at White Christmas and We Wish U A Merry Christmas, it a bit ridiculous!! Anyway I did manage to recover, but it was weird how much it affected me and it was only a song!!
The museum itself was really interesting. Saw a giant squid which was pretty cool. There was an exhibit on Scots in New Zealand which was interesting. There was also an exhibit on sustainable buildings which was great cause it was vaguely like my dissertation at uni! However there is just so much stuff its a bit overwelming and could prob hav done with going over a few days! Also there was some dolphins swimming about in the harbour which was cool, but one of the guys who worked in the museum said he'd seen Orchas the other day so i was gutted i'd missed them :(
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