Yet another early start!! Did a cruise and walk throught the Able Tasman National Park. Must admit i expected it to be totally amazing due to the way they go on about it, so i was a tad disappointed in it splendour!! Anyway we took a cruise to Anchorage Bay from where we walked back to Marahau. The first part of the walk was pretty hard going as it was all up and it was pretty steep! However it did level out after while and was a really nice walk. I even managed to get some walkng campanions in Anusha, James, Ellie and Juliett. Had some very random chats, they all know i am a disney freak now and James wanted to know if i wanted to open an english pub lol!! We stopped for lunch on Stilwell Bay which was lovely, however it would hav been nicer if it had been warmer and we could hav gone for a swim in the sea! The rain managed not to get too heavy until we were on the home straight, during which time we managed to get completely soaked! However we did go into a coffee shop to dry off and i got a coffe and a bit of chocolte cake!!
Later on in the hostel I ended up sitting chatting to Ann (Canadian), an American guy and a Swiss guy, until we got kicked out the kitchen at 10! They were all quite a bit older than me but it was nice to chat with some different people. They did have a conversation about whether u should suck, squeeze or do a bit or both to the sports cap bottles, did hve to try my hardest not to burst into a fit of giggles!! We all also ended up getting really yummy chocolate cake (yes my second piece of the day!!) just because one guy did, but it was well worth it and only cost $5 (and i split it with 2 other people so was really cheap!).
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