Had a very early start after some nice long lies and i really didnt like it!! I am just not made for early mornings! Had the room completely to myself last nite which was a real treat, no1 coming in or getting up early waking me up! Was pretty scared about getting the ferry across the Cook Strait and through the Marlborough Sounds to the south island as the wind had been so strong! However when i woke up the wind had mysteriously died and i had a very smooth crossing. Didnt hav a chum to keep me company this time but i did hav this fantastic book an American girl had given me based in Skye in the olden times so that passed the time well! Btw this book is all about a time when women ruled the world and we could hv as many husbands as we wanted and men were totally inferior, totally how the world should be now haha!! Got the bus from Picton to Nelson, even stopped off to do some rahter cheap wine tasting on the way.
Am staying at the Accents on the Park which is a lovely wee hostel, actully feels more like b+b and the people were lovely. Ended up watching Kill Bill for the first time ever and i really liked it, cant wait to see the second one now!! They also gave us free popcorn while the film was on, and yes Cat it was salted and i loved it!!!!
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