Made our way down from Taupo to Wellington. Had a pretty boring day as we were just really stuck on teh bus with no interesting stop on the way. We did pass a town called Bulls. The shops all have names with bull in them, its apparently unfortgetaBULL lol!! When we got into Wellington we drove up to the summit of Mount Victoria for a view across the city and Cook Strait.
Am actually pretty chuffed with my hostel here. I'm staying at the Base and am on the girls sanctuary floor. They give u a proper towel (unless u've used one of these microfibre towels u wont understand what a luxury this is!) and some free shampoo and conditioner, and best of all there are no boys!!!
Met a German girl and a couple of German guys when i was having dinner. The guys were travelling together and were dressed in this sort of traditional German clothes so i had to ask them what it was about. I've never heard of it before but its apparently an 800 year old tradition. They are journeyments on a traditional journey for 3 years and 1 day. This means they are not allowed within a certain distance of their home. They travel across teh world and try to get jobs in their trade, these 2 guys were a carpenter and a baker. It means they get a lot of different experiences from different countries within their trade thus making them better tradesmen. They also always have to wear traditional clothing on their trip and even have special traditional clothing they wear when they r working! it was really interesting and i was so glad i got talking to them!
Went for a few drinks in the bar later and met up with A again as she was in Wellington as well.
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