hi all sorry for the delay in update but been busy.
well brisbane was a millions miles different from noosa. it is a big city and is heaving with people and big buildings and lots of cars. apart from the busyness it was a every nice place and there seemed lots to do. there was a big man made beach just by the river and on some nights they put up a huge cinema screen in the evening and showed free films. was not to bad at all. we stayed ata hostel called brisbane city backpackers and wasnt to bad. our room was ok and the people not to bad either. the hostel,like most in brisaben was quite a party hostel but they had a big tv lounge to chill out in.
while we were in brisbane we did a bit of sightseeing and did a bit of shopping and bit a bit of eating and drinking, but best of all we went and watched tenacious d live in concert that was great. we went there with a sweedish couple but leeft them as they were sitting and wew were standing. they were absoultly brillinat. we had to wait a fair bit of time for them but it was well worth it. me and hannah had waited for months to see it so was brilliant when they came on. also while were were in brisbane we got to paint our very own bomeranng!! nice. we got it free as part of our noosa canoeing trip. so we gladly obligied and they actually turned out ok. mine was full of fantastic drawings(well maybe not) and hannahs was a simple yet effective brown and yellow combo. it was nicce just to sit in the basment of some art building whilst listening to some music.
not only did we just stay around brisbane we also made a visit across to a lovely near by island called stradbroke. we had to get a train to get a bus to get the ferry across the water,then got a nother bus to our hostel. seems a lot of effort but it went quick and was well wortth it. the island itself was a beautifull place with an amazing beach. our hostel was also one of the best hostels we have stayed at. it had a huge kitchen,loung area pool table(for free) and table tennis for free. we ended up staying there for 3 nights and wished it could have been longer. while we were there we did a it including yet another game of bowls(which hannah destoyed me) and also the same night we went and had a go at bingo and won exactly.......nothing. nowhere near. oh well. the next day we went and actually hada go at sandboarding which was quality but really tiering. it envolves going down and big sand dune on a snow baord thing and then walking back up the hill in the boiling heat. the going down bit was great but not the going up bit. kept us fit though. we have soem pics to put up of them and will soon.
on the last day we got up really early to get back to brisbane to see if we could get some tickets to watch england get stuffed in the cricket. we didnt and so went to finish off our bomeerangs. so all in all it was a nice stay in brisbane and it seemed to go so quick. also while we were there hannah got her hair cut and it looked very nice!!!!!!! very nice!!!!
well by for now speak soon and take care. xx
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