After a quick sunbathe in the morning it was off to Natandola beach with Mel, Ros and Fuyuki, the latter having generously offered to pay for the boat and taxi to the beach, presumably as a thank you for going with him. We arrived at the beach and it was a beautiful day and we found a secluded spot at the end of the beach where there was a clear blue lagoon. As Fuyuki shuffled off to the toilet at the 5-star Intercontinental Hotel Resort in his thong to arrange the things he had brought with him in several plastic bags Mel pointed out that he seemed to have OCD, which just added to his character.
We had a dip in the water before Fuyuki returned after some considerable time and he offered to pay for us to have lunch at the hotel…well it would be rude to say no. So I had a delicious Fijian chicken sandwich, then bread and butter pudding with butterscotch and vanilla sauce, which stopped me and Mel moaning that there were no desserts back at the resort. As an aside, the way Mel and Ros spoke to Fuyuki was hilarious; it was the loud and slow (and simple) way you speak to the elderly.
Post-lunch Fuyuki wanted photos of us all in our swimwear and it felt like we were in a poor man's Pirelli calendar. Then watching Fuyuki come out of the water in his thong with his goggles on was hilarious in being the complete opposite to Daniel Craig in Casino Royale.
Well a good day was had by all and we headed back to the resort. I remembered that Li and Dani were due in from Mantaray Island and their faces were a picture when there boat arrived around 7pm, as they didn't know I was going to be there. After dinner followed another kava and guitar session before I played DJ with my iPod for the on-site nightclub (well dance floor really) where we all had a good dance. As per usual I was the last one up again and I went to the beach with Dani to look at the stars again. The mood of the night was dampened with thoughts of my Nan back home who was very ill and I was incredibly frustrated that my phone wouldn't work on the island to ring her. Upon getting back to the dorm I shone the torch on the bed the bloody cat was laid there again! Not being arsed to move it I just slept on the top bunk instead…shifted out of my own bed by a cat, idiot.
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