For some ridiculous reason I awoke at just after 6am and felt less than sparkling. Decided to go for a swim to cure the hangover and prevent becoming a fat b******. Well it was actually quite refreshing and enjoyable. Back on the bus our only activity for the day was a trek through the forest and then some swampland. After an hour we reached some secluded waterfalls which were amazing. Our guide Ben was like a monkey around the rocks whilst I slipped and slided around like a hippo on ice. But I did jump off the 5m high rock into the waterfall pool 3 times, which looked far scarier from the top than in the water. Hurt my arse on the fist jump, and then hit the water balls first on the second which meant some pained expressions and recovery time.
The second half of the trek was a completely different story through stinky marshland. Obviously being far from fleet of foot this was going to present significant problems, and so it proved. As was big Cam who was the first to go in the swamp thigh deep and got stuck. At which point I started laughing hysterically…soon after I had my comeuppance and I was in myself! Well I was genuinely stuck and I thought my sandals were going to come off and be gone. Cam came back to help and went in again! Well finally we both got out and reached the boat which would take us down the river back to the bus.
At the Uprising resort where we would be spending the night, I helped prepare the traditional underground cooked Fijian meal which we would be having later that evening by getting the leaf parcels ready to cook the food in. After that most people were getting massaged and so I was ready to just relax, but then I got invited to play touch rugby with the resort 7's team and the locals, I was definitely in! Turned out this 7's team had been around the world and won some high profile international tournaments and so I felt a little out of place but really enjoyed it (even though it went on for over 2 hours in 25 degree heat and I knackered my hamstring on the hard ground).
Post-shower straight over for our Fijian meal which was fantastic, especially the pork and spinach parcels. I was absolutely knackered and just planned a couple of quiet ones and a bit of pool…but then Cam, his big mate and 'Taki' came along. Just to explain what 'Taki' is, it involves jugs of beer, shot glasses (which actually hold about 1 and a half shots) and downing them every time anyone shouts "Taki!" Well me and Li got involved and over the course of an hour or so (someone seemingly shouting "taki" every couple of minutes) we were blottoed again. As an aside,Dani had told me to talk to Cam's big mate who was wearing a Fiji rugby shirt, well I wasn't expecting him to have a voice which I can only describe as a camp-Joe Pasquale! Dani was doubled up on the stool next to him whilst I was trying to talk to him and desperately hold it together. We had already quickly come to the conclusion that Cam was gay, and clearly so was this guy, and we were all surprised as we didn't think being gay would be well received in the village (no Little Britain pun intended). Post-taki me and Dani went for a midnight walk down the beach and found some hammocks to lie-in.
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