Another early start was beginning to take its toll, really wasn't in the mood to head to a supposed party island. The check-in procedure for the boat was a farce but finally got on and reached Beachcomber. Emily from the Feejee Ex was there too and she had met a girl that morning in the hostel called Laura. We spent the afternoon on the beach and in the sea just chilling and chatting. Turned out Laura had been on the Kiwi bus behind me in the South Island and was good friends with the overly-chatty Irish girls, which I put my foot in as per usual. An Irish guy from her bus was also on the island called Brian who was really funny, particularly when he introduced me to the term 'Flumping', which happens to blokes in the bedroom when you've had a few too many beers! We also had a session in the outdoor spa and tried to swim around the island, before being told there was a shark in the water!
Brian left before dinner so that left me, Emily, Laura and Amy and Lauren from Essex who we had met earlier in the day. It was Amy's 21st birthday and so that was our evening sorted. The resort bar was at best half full and that being made up of many Aussie 'schoolies' and Canadians and Americans all under the age of 21, not ideal shall we say. After a bit of a dance to the Fijian house band (whose versions of Western pop songs were highly amusing) in the interests of saving money and better nights ahead I headed back to the dorm around 12:30.
Woke up to an absolutely scorching day, could only spend just over an hour in the sun before bolting for the shade. Went fish feeding before lunch which was cool and then snorkelling after lunch which was a little more stressful as I swallowed too much water trying to de-fog my mask…my Mr. Non-aquatic reputation continues. Got the boat back to Nadi and me and Emily decided to stay at Horizon Backpackers next to the famous Smugglers Cove. When we arrived Jenny came to talk to us who had been at Volivoli and invited us to have dinner with her and some guys from the Feejee Ex bus who came in after us. As an aside, a guy called Michael would be there who had been volunteering at the school we visited on the Feejee bus, and who I swore had been on my Kiwi bus from Wellington to Taupo, from which my impression was he was an odd tit of a guy but for some daft reason Emily fancied him and so there was bound to be a story to tell.
Well we had dinner with Kerry an RAF fighter pilot (who obviously I was equally jealous of and admired), Bix from Oz, Seb from Germany and Thomas from France who were all great company and we had a fun night. Especially as on the table next to us there were a bunch of locals having a sing-song with a guitar they had brought along who we got involved with. The only pillock of the evening predictably was Michael who constantly drew attention to himself and annoyed the others. I entertained the assembled troops by being blatant in voicing my displeasure at what an arse he was. Not only was he embarrassing us but the locals were not impressed by him either.
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