I arrived at Robinson Crusoe Island just before lunch and partook in some fresh coconut milk which surprisingly (given my penchant for coconut) wasn't really my cup of tea. Lunch was accompanied by a fascinating and entertaining tribal show. Which included sword and fire dancing by the girls with hip movements which made even Beyonce look average. After lunch there was a guided nature walk showing us the vegetation used by the locals as herbal remedies. The local guide was informative yet funny, particularly when talking about a leaf used to treat eye infections, "You would leave the eye for a few days and if it didn't work…go to a doctor" Genius. Next was the con of turtle viewing which I was really excited about. They led us down to the beach where there was a turtle shell covered by sand. One of the resort workers said she was going to lift it up to show us the eggs but as she prised it up the shell flipped back and one of the staff leaped up and scared us all half to death, even though we saw the funny side after.
Turned out that how full the resort was was deceiving as most of the people were day-trippers and so when they left there were only a dozen or so people actually staying there, b*****. Things took a turn for the better though when I wandered into the dorm and saw a tall light-brunette named Mel so naturally I had to say hello, and I tell ya I'm bloody glad I did. She was a 22-year-old nurse from Bristol and she was a travelling with her friend Ros who was a prison officer to be. Both of them were lovely and invited me to sit with them at dinner. As we were chatting away they mentioned they had met a Japanese man called Fuyuki the previous day who had asked them to go to Natandola beach with them the next day. Well I had seen him when I'd arrived and he had been on the beach wearing a thing! As he wasn't ofay with the social customs people tended to avoid him which I thought, like the girls, was unfair. He came and sat with us and I got talking to him and although his grasp of English was minimal he was clearly a nice guy with a sense of humour and a heart of gold, however he looked as though he had had a hard paper round for a 41 year old. He invited me to the beach and I think the girls were pleased when I said yes.
It was then time for the welcoming Kava ceremony with many of the cool local staff staying the night. Again I was appointed Chief (a role I was becoming accustomed to) and I decided that I hadn't yet had the full effect of Kava so far and so wanted to get smashed off it tonight. Before the proper drinking began though we played a couple of games to bond the group, the highlight of which was a team relay where you had to rest your forehead on a pole in the ground and spin round 10 times and dizzily attempt to run back to your team mate. Well in true Kev-being-a-drunken-prat fashion I fell over the pole but Fuyuki stole the show by falling over sideways into the sand, managing to get up and doing exactly the same again! Well the whole group was in hysterics and Mel and I could hardly breathe with laughter.
Half the group then went to bed just leaving the rest to sit with the staff, who had a couple of guitars, and drink kava in true Fijian style. Well for around 3 hours we were sat there and I had well over 10 bowls of kava as well as beers, and bourbon. Meanwhile given my famous lack of confidence (yeah right) I sung a few songs solo with just Seb (working resort dude) on acoustic. Mainly it was a tribute to the Eagles but people seemed fairly impressed with my voice. Being half-pissed from the booze and half-numb from the kava Ros and me had a stroll down the beach to look at the stars. As we did a kava-stoned local did come and say hi and to see if we were alright which was funny.
Normally the day's report would end there but at around 4:30am in the dorm I felt something rub against my leg and I opened my eyes to find one of the resident cats in my bed despite the fact I had put the mosquito net tightly down. I couldn't be bothered to move it and so we shared the bed for the rest of the night.
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