Day 4 of the Feejee Experience and there were some long bus journeys ahead and I was shattered given the previous 3 nights alcoholic efforts but I wanted to perform when it came to making roti's for our traditional Indian meal. No probs on that front and the food was splendid in the form of a cracking chicken curry with all the trimmings. Back on the bus we headed to one of the highlights of the trip so far, the Sabeto mud pools and hot baths.
Well the mud pools felt absolutely vile when you stepped in but we all got into the spirit of things caking each other's bodies in mud from head-to-toe which led to some great photos and much fun. As did another mud fight akin to the day before, being particularly important was getting revenge on Cam. We all washed off in the hot pools which were bloody hot in fact, but then again I am a poor tool when it comes to anything remotely above tepid.
Back on the bus for the final time I was sad to think I wasn't going to see Cam and Aravind again (particularly the 'Justin' joke…ask next time you see me) but particularly Julie who despite the age gap I had some great banter with. Me, Li and Dani got dropped of at Nadi Skylodge hostel and shared a dorm, and I'm sure the hostel staff thought we were having some strange ménage-a-trois. We had to change the room as Dani is petrified of cockroaches and she said she saw one, which I naturally took full advantage of given the previous toad torturing.
After a couple of racks of pool we were all shagged and I put forward the suggestion of getting a Chinese takeaway which Li and Dani were both keen for. Unfortunately we forgot to tell Dani that we would probably just stay at the local Chinese we had been recommended and eat-in, and as we were all doing a load of washing Dani was having to wear Li's t-shirt and swim shorts. So we walked into the restaurant with Dani looking like a grade A dyke/fag hag, Li wearing a tank-top and me wearing short shorts with sandals. However what we saw in entering were people dressed fairly formally, scores for social etiquette…nil. Dani had a face like thunder and the waiting staff were all sniggering at us. Worth mentioning briefly the taxi which we got back to the hostel, the interior of which was entirely plastic with a flowery pattern you find only on those horrific wheely bin covers back home…truly terrible.
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