Kate's Chronicles
Not a lot to report this week. Settling back into life in Nanjing. Have been lesson planning like crazy trying to get well ahead before I embark on my Chinese lessons. I'm figuring it will take a lot of my spare time to grasp the langauge and practice my writing. My students are laughing as I have purchased a writing practice exercise book........the one they all used in primary school....but they are all too polite to say that!!!
Visited another one of our affiliated hospitals - Jiangsu Provincial Hospital - which has approximately 3000 beds. Quite amazing to see so many beds in one place and we still have many other hospitals...yet seem to manage to keep up a fairly high bed occupancy rate. The visit was quite difficult due to the language barrier but I intend to return again once I've mastered some Chinese as I think I will learn a lot more about the workings of the place then.
We have another Aussie at the Uni this semester!!! It has been really funny as she is from Ireland originally (20 + years ago) but has retained her Irish accent so it is causing much confusion as to why we don't sound the same!!! She has had me in fits of laughter with some of her newbie antics and I can see we will have lots of fun this semester - especially as she is doing Chinese lessons with me. This past week she has been shopping and made some "interesting" purchases. first up she bought some eggs - which of course I am totally unfamiliar with given my allergy - and thought how carefully they were wrapped "so they wouldn't break". She proceeded to unwrap them and to cook them in the microwave......result.....splattered egg everywhere as the "already cooked" and "heat sealed in plastic wrap" eggs exploded!!!!! Next up she bought bags of Chinese treats that she has been handing out to everyone.....Chinese being very polite people have all accepted her offering with smiles and words of bothered to tell her she was handing out baby rusks!!! I can't wait to see what comes next!
The weather has been a minefield of fluctuations this week. We have had everything from 37 down to 16....I'm guessing this is autumn!! Wishing it would sit in the mid 20s for a while which would make it very pleasant but these daily changes are driving me crazy.
With only 10 days to go till I head off to Tibet my fitness campaign has been ramped up a notch. I'm running up and down 6 flights of stairs at least 10 times a day...each time getting the strangest looks from my fellow apartment building dwellers!! Can't run on the streets as its too dangerous - between looking out for cyclists and dodging potholes in the footpath I'm not willing to risk a sprained ankle before I leave - but plenty of brisk walking added to my stair running. i'm feeling fairly good so hoping it hold me in good stead for my trek. Wish me luck!!
That's it for now...Bye till next time. xxx
Visited another one of our affiliated hospitals - Jiangsu Provincial Hospital - which has approximately 3000 beds. Quite amazing to see so many beds in one place and we still have many other hospitals...yet seem to manage to keep up a fairly high bed occupancy rate. The visit was quite difficult due to the language barrier but I intend to return again once I've mastered some Chinese as I think I will learn a lot more about the workings of the place then.
We have another Aussie at the Uni this semester!!! It has been really funny as she is from Ireland originally (20 + years ago) but has retained her Irish accent so it is causing much confusion as to why we don't sound the same!!! She has had me in fits of laughter with some of her newbie antics and I can see we will have lots of fun this semester - especially as she is doing Chinese lessons with me. This past week she has been shopping and made some "interesting" purchases. first up she bought some eggs - which of course I am totally unfamiliar with given my allergy - and thought how carefully they were wrapped "so they wouldn't break". She proceeded to unwrap them and to cook them in the microwave......result.....splattered egg everywhere as the "already cooked" and "heat sealed in plastic wrap" eggs exploded!!!!! Next up she bought bags of Chinese treats that she has been handing out to everyone.....Chinese being very polite people have all accepted her offering with smiles and words of bothered to tell her she was handing out baby rusks!!! I can't wait to see what comes next!
The weather has been a minefield of fluctuations this week. We have had everything from 37 down to 16....I'm guessing this is autumn!! Wishing it would sit in the mid 20s for a while which would make it very pleasant but these daily changes are driving me crazy.
With only 10 days to go till I head off to Tibet my fitness campaign has been ramped up a notch. I'm running up and down 6 flights of stairs at least 10 times a day...each time getting the strangest looks from my fellow apartment building dwellers!! Can't run on the streets as its too dangerous - between looking out for cyclists and dodging potholes in the footpath I'm not willing to risk a sprained ankle before I leave - but plenty of brisk walking added to my stair running. i'm feeling fairly good so hoping it hold me in good stead for my trek. Wish me luck!!
That's it for now...Bye till next time. xxx
- comments
wayne Wow Tibet say are getting around Kununnura for me didn't work out .....have a good time keep safe
Ray H What is/was cross infection protection like in the hospitals you've seen? A "modern" one I visited in Hefei had syringes, used bloodied bandages, just thrown into two open garbage bins in the corridor. No separate containers for sharps etc. Couldn't even breathe in the WC.
Kate Ray, can only comment on the Nanjing hospitals I've been to and I have to say they are pretty good. The newer hospitals are state-of-the-art with all the bells and whistles. The older ones are OK - a bit shabby but clean.The worst place I've been to was the Entry and Exit hospital in Guilin where we had our medicals......OMG it was disgusting and as for the WCs...well.....