Day 8 Murten on Lake Morat 2/9/2018
Our road trip to Murten on lake Morat.
This morning came with the bright sunshine pouring in through the window. I rose showered,
Shirley decided she would remain in bed so I went walking to the village to find Wifi but alas nowhere to be found. Arriving back home and before I can sit, we are off to the car and travelling to a small village named Murten on lake Morat roughly 35 kilometres away.
This drive take us through some beautiful small villages, all holding to the script of the sound of music. It seems like the the bigger villages have castles, all built in or around the 12th or 13 th century we were just outside Murten when we came across large park area right on the lakes’
edge where a ceramic art show was taking place. Good place to wet the porcelains and stretch the legs. It was here I discovered the beauty of the freshly cooked German sausage, it and the coffee which had just been brewed were absolutely delicious. It is funny that although we had travelled only 30 ks the language had change from Swiss French to Swiss German, not that made much difference to me as can only listen and wonder if I was part of the conversation. We were here for 40 minutes, than we continued our journey to Murten. We drive up from the valley and as we top the rise ,there, in front of us, with sun catching every ripple on the water is this lake which is 11ks
Long and 8ks wide and its name is Lac De Morat in French or Murtensee ,so I have kept to the first .
Again we have a castle we must enter if we wish to see all the lies awaiting for the sight seeing tourist and we are not disappointed ,again this castles village is from the old style Switzerland , the roofs are slope at a very acute angle to allow the packed snow to slip of easily, the walls have gun or cross bowed holes so to defend the castle, the streets are cobble stone made from small bricks 75mmx75mm, a very time consuming task I do believe .
The village on the outside of each building is of the old school but the interior is of today’s world. Clothing through smart was at prices that just made me gasp for air ,e.g a small jockey cap would cost me, 189 franks which is $240 , just a wee bit over my price range even if it is partially made from leather.
We had been at the Murten castle for about an hour or more and were about to leave when Shirley an I thought that we had found a way to reach the top of the castles’ tower, we rushed around behind a building but no not there , but to our surprise we found a small church and inside the sound of a beautiful full, orchestra playing, that was worth the rush back.
We are now heading to Estavayer -De-Lac a town right on the edge of lake by the name ,“Lac De Neuchatel”, but on the way we found this old Roman village with the walls, all the way round and the strangest thing is an old amphitheater which is being used on our arrival . There is a big band practicing their moves and musical pieces , they sounded really good. I record it ,good picture Poor sound, if anyone can tell me how to fix this movie taking problem that would be fantastic.
Onward to the original destination from the start of this paragraph. Maybe 20 minutes have past and there in our sight line it be. We walk this beautiful village and we are told about the festival of the frogs. Big frog toys hung above us , frog were the main reason for this village survival many century ago. We walk the whole length of the village and right at the end there is a combi Van convention. From the very old to the modern they were all there ,some for sale, some for show . The only cars any where near this were VW.
We didn’t stay long as the time had beat us and most of the shops were closed or closing. We took another way home , we were shown the tobacco plants that grow ,the vegetable fields for, potatoes, corn, lettuce and carrots plus more. We noticed that although we are not far from our town of Montevraz the colour of the fields vary , where we are staying the field could have been used for that old movie “How Green is my Valley” , but elsewhere the greens have a slightly yellow tinge, and there is more soil paddocks than where we are staying.
Well I was so exhausted from all our exploring and from the LDin(new French word for lunch and dinner in one)that I made up I had to rest these tired eyes . Two hours later this is what you get A blog full of the memories of a fabulous day.Just a short note , I’ve been seeing heaps of cats just sitting really still in the fields everywhere we drive they are out there. This morning on my walk I saw them again so I took photos of them. On my back they were still there so I watch some more and finally I capture the picture that told me why ,it is a bit blurry but I think you can see their reason.
So,that closes today and we will be looking for you in our next blog.
Luv you all
Shirley and John
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