Before you read any further, I must warn you... This is possibly one of the most pointless blog posts I've written. So if you've got better things to do, like cleaning the toilet, or buying a new lamp shade, hop to it.
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, feast your eyes on this magnificent pair of twits...
So last Wednesday was interesting... We scrounged about for the last few dollars we had. ' BEEEEP!!' Cards were declined at the front desk to the hostel... Ut oh. I rummaged through my purse, and shook out $22, Moses found a $10 note... We only had enough dough for ONE NIGHT FOR ONE.
We asked the lady nicely, "We get paid tomorrow, is there any chance we could pay you guys then? I can leave my ID with you?"
She wasn't buying it. (And neither were we, for that matter! Hehe...Oh don't all laugh at once!)
Me and Mo stepped asside, out of ears reach. My look of worry must've amused him slightly, as his brain had already cracked the puzzle.
"You buy one night for you, and I'll say I'm staying at a friend's house"
"You gunna stay in the Aussie Farmer Van?"
"No, I'm coming back here :) "
Oooooohhhhhhh! No one is about after 6pm, and we were checking out a flat after work around 10pm... So we were in the clear! We spoke to the receptionist,
"So you're only paying for one of you?"
"Yeah, just so the bags are kept safe, and I'll stay with a mate tonight."
"Oh okay... But you can't come back here tonight and share a bed, else we'll have to kick you out."
"Ewww, we're not sharing a bed!"
We chuckled. Mission completed.
The flat was bloody nice, and the guy selling it was alright. His name was Jake from Bulgaria (Hannah, his beard was wonderful). He was asking for $175 a week (which is still less than what we're paying for this hostel) but after summing up the tram to work, the two week bond and food scraps, we wouldn't be able to afford it (Unless we were making some wizardry milk sales).
We were bummed... So back to the hostel we went. Moses followed in behind me. It must've been around 11.30pm... Not a soul in sight. We scurried upstairs, I still had the key to the room... Moses kipped in the bed above me. The next morning, I stashed him some breakfast from downstairs, put some choccie spreaded toast in a bag for him. He sneaked in around the back, to reception and booked another night.
We were like ninjas! Bagged us a half price night! Hahaha... It's all fun and games until we looked in our bank accounts that day...
Moses had $0.15 in his account... and a handful of coins. Think I had about $5 to my name.
Well, we certainly aren't the richest people on the planet, eh?
I'm gunna come clean with you all... I started this blog a couple of months back... Since then, things have drastically changed... We have money to do nice things, like make sandwiches and buy toilet roll!... Skip ahead to the next one.
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