Helen's Elective
Hello every one.
I hope you are all well. Day 2 today. We started our elective placement this mornig. It seems ok looks like we will be doing teachings and ward rounds mainly. We are staying colse to the hospital with other medical students. It seems ok, but if we don't like it we can always leave.
This afternoon we went for an explore round the financial centre near the petronas towers, don't worry Will we did not go up them! I am currently writing to you from a shopping center inside the Petronous tower. It looks as westernised as any City in England, it even has an M&S. The area surounding it could also be from any big financial district. Me and Amy were just saying it will probably look like London in 50 years. Outside the towers the ground have been landscaped to bring a bit of greenery into the city. It was nice to sit outside and relax for a bit. It was reletevly quiet and still comare to the rest of the city so far.
Anyway will write again soon
Food here is good. We went for some noodles at a little resteraunt near the hotel.
What have you all been up to? Hope to hear form you all soon
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