September 23, 2013 Monday
Day 79
More rain! Note to travelers, September is a crappy month in the north country.
We left Stewart, BC this morning, retracing our steps on the 36 mile long Stewart-Hyder Access Road. Even with the rain, the drive is scenic with fast flowing rivers alongside the winding road which is bounded on each side by steep mountains, glaciers, snowfields and waterfalls.
Saw a black bear on the side of the road, bringing the total to 3 black bear sightings since we got on the Cassier.
At the Junction of Stewart-Hyder Access Road and Cassiar Highway, we got back on The Cassiar, heading south. This section of the Cassiar is smooth and pretty well maintained. By 11:30am the sun was shining and it was 50 degrees. Yes, we are heading south!
By noon we were off the Cassiar and heading south and east on the Yellowhead Highway,16 retracing the route we travelled here in July, going through Smithers, Houston, Topley, Burns Lake, Fraser Lake, and stopping for the night at Blue Cedars Campground, just outside of Prince George, BC.
433 Miles today
10,141 Miles so far
Wildlife Sightings
Bald Eagle
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