Rose, I strained it a few weeks ago. Too much hiking. Much better now.
Sue, thanks for the compliment. We are so blessed to see all this beauty and to have all this fun!
Sue Gryson
OK-I'm caught up! You are doing such an incredible job with the blog, Carol. Michael, so happy you were able to find a ring you liked!
What happened to your knee??? Miss you guys
Sue, Peter and Katie, thanks for posting that sweet message. We miss you guys! It is spectacular here and we are so grateful
that we are experiencing it together.
Sue Gryson
We are still loving your blog with all the descriptive entries plus amazing pictures! Have to say that Pete is missing his weekly phone call with big bro though!! We love you guys!
Sue and Pete
Hi Sharon and Bill,
So good to hear from you. Yes we are having such a wonderful time, seeing gloriously beautiful sights. Definitely the trip of a lifetime!
We think about you all the time and pray that you are having the best time of your life.
Sharon and Bill
Kathi, we just love that you are following us. We love you too! Michael and I really are so grateful that we are able to experience all this beauty together. It is the trip of a lifetime for us and like an extended second honeymoon.
I just LOVE following along with you and Michael on this fabulous adventure. AND, I just LOVE you both too
Andy, you mean a lot to me too. I have such great Ducey memories of all you guys!
So glad you like our blog. This is truly our trip of a lifetime
Andy Ducey
What an incredible journey together. Your pictures are amazing and the story telling put me right there along with you two. Continued safe travels and I can't tell you how much you mean to me Carol. Love you Cuz!