August 27, 2013 Tuesday
Day 51
Rested and hung out at the camper watching several old episodes of Friends. Around 2pm, the weather changed from cloudy and drizzly to sunny blue skies with big white puffy clouds. So we went to Denali National Park, and drove the 15 miles allowed by private vehicles. Saw some moose, dall sheep and a porcupine. We parked by
Savage River, and hiked the Savage River Loop Trail. This trail was so beautiful. As we walked along Savage River, it changed from a wide braided river to a narrow swift flowing single stream, roaring with rapids. Once we crossed the bridge, we went off the trail up and over some ridges; the views were stunning.
After our hike we left the park, drove to the town of Denali and took a steep, winding road up to Grand Denali Lodge which is high up on a hill overlooking the town. Great views. Around each turn on the way up we passed several funny road signs, "Wet When Raining", "Watch for Falling Coconuts" to name a few.
Back at camp, we sat outside, at our picnic table making salsa with the roasted peppers from the farmers market. Our new friends, and next door campers, Caryn and Bill stopped by for a visit. Suddenly a strong wind came up, it got really cold and started to rain. Good sleeping weather.
Wildlife Sightings
Moose, 1 cow, 2 bulls
12 Dall Sheep
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