Grace's Adventures!
GGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sooooooooooooooo annoyed I just spent nearly an hour writing and the damn thing crashed! I now have the internet in my house whcih is cool so at least it didnt cost me any more money. So for that reason (i.e. the fact that I have already written about the last week or so) you will all be so disappointed to know that I will now write an abbrieviated version!!! Oh no I hear you cry! Well don't worry, I will make the next entry twice as detailed as normal! (not!)
2 weekends ago (which is where I left the last postcard) was absolutely roasting! 40 degrees again! I worked in the hostel boths days as usual, which is lovely as there is air con! Sat I has a wonderfully relaxing afternoon in a day spa where I had a lovely facial courtesy of Andy for my Xmas treat! Was really lovely - had all sorts of different lotions and potions massaged into my face that smelt gorgeous! Then had a face mask and wore and eye mask too and the lady left the room for 15 minutes, leaving it to do its stuff and with the darkness and the plinky plonky music in the room I nearly fell asleep! My skin felt and smelt lovely all day after that! that evening after work me, Ben and a girl from the hostel went to see Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy in the outdoor cinema in the botanic gardens - was so good! We took some food, and sat on a big grassy slope with a massive inflatabel screen at the bottom, with trees all around! Could hear birds, crickets, forgs and unidentified animals during the film and there were flashes of lightening all the way through in the background and you could see th skyscrapers too - very atmospheric! the film was rather bizarre - enjoyed it though! Didnt seem to cool down all evening, was still boiling just wearing skirt and vest top when we left after 11! The next day I was responsible for sorting out a free BBQ for everyone in the hostel (about 40 people!) - had to get all the food from the market and shop and lug it down the street in a granny basket in 40 degrees temperatures! I'm certainly earning my money out here! Luckily I didnt have to cook it - others did that, but I didnt even get much food in the end!
Had a fun week last week -worked in hostel 2 days and childcare 2 days - same centre again. Was quite cool to go back again but was still a bit boring - I like the reception job more but its only 5 hours a day compared with 8! In between am and pm shifts Monday I had a nice sightseeing day of going to the Victorian houses of parliament and had a free tour - was really good - very grand building! Then wandered round 2 gardens - they had some interesting things in and a beautiful glass house with flowers and streams in. On Tuesday I had a day off and went to the Botanic Gardens which are pretty big, and really beautiful. they must spend a fortue maintaining them they are really nice. There's a massive lake in the middle, and all sorts of different areas such as rose gardens, cacti, East coast rainforests, herb gardens, wild river habitats, Chinese gardens.......and loads more! Was such a relaxing day. Also there is a massive shrine of rememberence dedicated to all those who served in all the wars from WW1 to the present day - was very moving, and a great building. The views were amazing too from the balcony into the city.
Right I am saving this there's no way I am losing it again!
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