Grace's Adventures!
I went to Brunswick street before when I was searching for more desirable hostels but found out after ages of looking there werent any! But that day I found a Latin American fiesta going on in one of the streets - was really good, a whole street was closed off and there were really good food and other stalls all along it, and people dancing and playing really good music, stayed there for quite a while! There is loads of cool stuff coming up especially in the kids summer holidays, live music in different parks and free dance lessons and apparantly free boat trips up the river! And Ben said the White Stripes are playing here next week so I must try and get tickets!
I have also had a nice chilled out day on the beach on my own - 20 minute train ride away! It's a bit of a noisy beach as it's right next to the road and the railway line! But the sand was nice and the water clear and not cold! So had a fab swim and relaxed on the beach. Have also had a good night out with lots of people from Bev and Micks in a place called Dallas with very cheap drinks and kareoke! I had only just got in there and signed up for kareoke with a guy called Adam and we sung Robbie and Kylie - kids, then later me and Ben sung Bryan Adams, the summer of 69 which I thought was fairly disasterous! Had a really fun night, and went to a club afterwards for a dance. Also have been to this guy Adams' flat with loads of others for a party, that was fun, and on the way there we walked through a park and I saw possums in the trees! They are so tame, instead of running away from you when you stand real close to them they come closer to you! They are so cute! The others thought I was crazy as they had a quick look then walked on, but I stood there for ages looking at them and talking to them! Perfectly normal! After babysitting yesterday I met Ben and Ana and we went for lunch down another really funky street called Lygon street, which is the Italian quarter - had a well nice meal of calamari squid and then pigged out on proper Italian gelati icecream - that was heavenly! Am going to meet some people now in Pizza Hut (I know, classy) which is all you can eat too! Don't worry, I am not getting fat on all this food and am going to start running soon!
Oh I nearly forgot to say that I worked for 2 days on a market stall selling de-pillers! What are they you may be thinking? They are like clothes brushes that take bobbles, fluff and pet hair off your clothes! Exciting huh? So I had to shout out to everyone that walked by "come and have a look at this product that takes all the bobbles and fluff off your clothes" and "come and have a look at what we are doing today it won't take long!" etc. Was so so boring, and you would think that people would be rude but most were very polite and said no thank-you but some jst ignored and walked on past, but some people did actually come and have a look and were impressed and actually bought one! But most came and looked and then didn't buy one. This did not impress my boss too much who was completely bonkers, really hyper and kept on at me that I wasn't pushy enough, but I just couldn't be like that as I know that I don't buy things if people are being pushy and hurrying me! But I didn't sell enough so she didn't ask me back after the 2 days (thank-god!), I don't think that was for me somehow - it was also selling muscle supports and ironing board covers! I still got paid, quite well too for those 2 days, so it wasn't wasted! Must go now, would love to hear from people and catch up with your gossip!
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