Grace's Adventures!
So, I have done 6 days in the hostel since last Wednesday and it's now Friday, but I havent been spending much money so am managing to save a bit! I went out last Thursday night in a place I have been to before called Dallas - thought I would make the most of the fact that I wasn't working on a Thursay night! (not that I will be again!) Went out with Ben and Nittin (my house mates) and Nittins brother who is over from Singapore until Xmas day, and met up with 2 Irish girls, Joanie and Vicki who are lovely, and a guy called Feann who is really nice, and some other people I know. I sung Rikki Martin - Livin la vida loca with Feann, it was really fun. Then was going to sing Robbie Williams - Angels with this random Irish guy who I met at the kareoke stand where you choose your songs but he didnt hear them announce it we didn't get a chance! It was a really good night though, some people were really good and some bad, but they place really good music so we danced most of the night!
Xmas Eve me and Ben went shopping and bought some food for Xmas Day, then I cooked it all! Wasn't much though, did a cold pasta salad, potato salad and we took some other bits round to our hosts! Went out Xmas Eve in St. Kilda by the beach - went round Joanies and Vickis for a few drinks then went to a few bars, one of which was actually a nightclub but there was only about 10 of us in there even though it was after 12! They don't really go mad for Xmas Eve going out here apparantly! We counted down from 10 as we were walking on the pavement then it was Xmas day! Strange place to be! It had been really windy the last few days so I picked up a massive palm tree branch from the pavement and dragged it along the floor in a cirlce and everyone had to jump and not get hit by it, it was so fun! Then some random people walking behind us started laughing so I asked them if they wanted a go too and they did! I was in such a silly mood it was great! After the dead nightclub we went to a really busy one but the music wasn't so good, but still had fun!
Xmas Day was very strange! Ana our lovely New Zealand friend that we had said goodbye to a few days before had left lots of presents for us wrapped in newspaper (there was lots!) so we opened all those which was hilarious because it was mostly stuff she didnt want to take back home with her, such as cotton buds, a sweet potato, tissues, rice.............. we knew this anyway so weren't dissapointed, just extremely amused! And I had a few things to open, but most of my stuff arrived after Xmas as the post is really slow around Xmas! After presents me and Ben went over to our mates in St. Kilda - 3 German girls who I met in my last hostel. They live in a massive house now with 13 others - they all share rooms, and one small kitchen and bathroom, it's mental! As you can imagine, very manic, and pretty untidy and not so clean! One of their housemates from Thailand made some great food, and we put ours in for everyone to share too, and most was eaten! So I spent Xmas day mostly with people I have never met, and will probably never see again, as the German girls moved out today to go up to Sydney! Some of the people were ok, some a bit wierd and not really my kind of people, but it was an ok day, can't complain! We sat outside most of the day but it wasn't really that warm - only about 18 which is now really cold to me as today its about 37 and rising, and most days are around 30. So we never got to the beach as planned, especially as there were the occasional spits of rain! But me and Ben got a picture stood on the beach on the way back just for the hell of it, was pretty cool by then though!
I worked Boxing Day and also Wed and Thurs this week which is good, and am working tomorrow - new years eve which is fine because I finish at 7pm and it's only 7 mins walk from my house so am still going out of course! But not into the city and not to bars/clubs as its going to be packed apparantly - you have to wait sooooooooo long to get to the bar, you can't move in the places and everything is well expensive! So me and my housemates and maybe some others will be heading down to the beach where apparantly everybody with like-mindedness goes and parties anyway so should be good! Then we are meeting Joanie and Vicki at our place to have some drinks in out little back yard!
Tuesday this week was a good day - went to some beaches along the infamous 'Great Ocean Road' with Feann and 2 Canadian guys that live in the same apartment block. Had a good day, which would have been made better if the 2 Canadians made any effort at all to get to know me or be sociable but they didn't - despite my usual efforts and politeness! Some people! The sea and beaches were beautiful and had some swims in the sea and sunbathed on the beach and enjoyed the gorgeous views and scenery along the road. Feann is cool though, so at least I had some conversation!!! Was so nice to get out of the city and see proper beaches and forests and hills and some nice little seaside towns (nothing like ours!!) Me, Ben and some others are going to hire a car for 5 days and see the whole Ocean Road and the Grampians National Park and some other sights just before I leave Melbourne in Feb so that will be good.
Today is gorgeous, if not a wee bit too boiling, even for me! So am meeting Ben, Nittin and Iysha (a girl I used to work with) down the beach in a minute - getting the train. So can go cool off in the sea! It must seem so strange me writing this because you guys all want to warm up! I hear there's snow yay! I am not missing winter at all! Got a phone call today from my childcare agency to see what days I am working next week, so they are going to try and get me work for the days I am not working in the hostel yay! Will let you know how that goes............take care everybody, will write again soon!
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