Grace's Adventures!
Hello everyone! Hope you all had a fabulous Xmas! I have been a fairly busy bee since last updating the sight, so this may be fairly longish - brace yourselves! I have now (somewhat triumphantly) quit my nasty waitressing job - yay! I realised that the people I was working for were completely unreasonable people, and if I actually told them in advance that I was planning to leave they probably wouldn't pay me what I was owed, so I realised the only way to do it was to just walk out once I had my wages! So Tuesday last week I went in and worked for 3 hours then on my break I took my wages and then didn't go back! Felt so good, and didn't feel guilty at all - that's how much I thought of them! I didn't get paid for those 3 hours but it was a small price to pay as I could have risked not getting paid a whole week, which is what happened to a girl I know - she was nice and gave them notice, and they didn't pay here $400! That's what I would have lost! I am learning to be ruthless - very unlike me! So I turned my phone off thinking they would call to ask where the hell I was, but when I turned it back on there were no messages and the never tried to call the rest of the day either! So bizarre! I think they must have lots of people do that to them! The even stranger thing is that the next day on the way back from my new job I bumped into a girl from the pizza place, and she hadn't even realised that I hadn't come back and said that the boss didn't say anything to them either - how crazy! I told you that place was crazy and the people! So feeling quite smug anyway, but I still try not to walk right past the place which is hard as it is en-route to the city!
Celebrated that night by going to the IMAX cinema up the road and watched Polar Express - it was so good, especially in 3D which was quite bizarre as we all sat there with massive head set things on to make it all 3D! Went with a girl Ben met in Fiji and someone she met in Melbourne, so quite random! The film made me feel a bit more christmassy, it was so magical and also made me feel like I was about 6 years old again! Was wierd going outside and it was still light and about 30 degrees, because the flim is all icey and snowy and set in the north pole! Afterwards we went up Brunswick street and had a meal sat outside - was really nice, especially being waited on when I was still meant to be at working waiting on people!!!
The next day I started my new job which is great! Sometimes there's not that much to do, but there's no mean Italian mafia dude beathing down your neck and shouting his mouth off! I open up the place, sort out the till, check people in and out, book people in, phone up tours and airport buses for people, give directions to everywhere you can think of! And help out with a bit of cleaning and tidying and do all the laundry! But it's not earning me a huge amount of money because I'm only working 5 hours a day - 3.5 in the morning and 1.5 in the evening, so I get up well early, but have had a lot of free time in the day! But it's another $3 and hour than the waitressing so that's good! But also haven't done that many days either, but it's good at the moment whilst it's xmas and new year! My boss and other people I work with, which isn't many as it's a really small hostel are really nice though, and its' a nice place to be in as it's basically a big house! Over half the people staying there are staying there for ages as they are working so it's very familiar and friendly! I am going to save this one and write a new one as I am worried it will disappear otherwise!
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