Grace's Adventures!
I am soooooooooo annoyed! I wrote up all the stuff I am about to write yesterday then I think I was doing it for too long as when I clicked the next button that puts these postcards up on the website it all disappeared so I am going to have to write it all again! The next day in Tasmania I took the recommenation of the lady I had spoken to last night, but this time it turned out to be ok! Went to a big town by Tassie standards and to this creative paper mill where they made handmade paper. Was interesting - you found out how they made it and there were loads of life sized paper sculptures they were very clever. They had made paper out of some very strange things including kangeroo poo - how mental! Very clever though. Then drove on to a place called Fern gully where you walked a short way along a river looking for Platypus - sounds like a fairy tale land I know, but it was all very real! Was a nice little walk, river was beautiful, saw no platypus but saw a wallaby and heard lots of very noisy kookaburras in the trees - was really cool. Then drove down to a town called Strahan which I thought was going to take ages but the road was really good most of the way so it didn't which was good! Stopped on the way back at these big sand dunes - they seem to go forever! There was no-one else there which was quite surprising, was very peaceful. Wasn't really in a walking mood and was a bit scared that I would just get lost if I walked off for ages anyway, as it was a big open expanse with trees in parts but it all looked the same! There were tons of wallaby tracks and others that looked like they might be made by the supposedly extinct Tasmanian Tiger - maybe there are some out there somewhere! No wildlife in sight though! Drove onto Strahan to another really nice hostel where I ended up having a twin room for the same price as a dorm but had it to myself! Walked down into the tiny but very touristy town and had a look round the visitor centre for ages as it was massive - had loads of displays about the hisory of Tas, mainly in this area which is a World Heritage Area. After that I watched a play called 'The ship that never was' - about a group of convicts on a nearby island that built a ship and stole it to escape to Chile. That was the jist of it anyway, I didn't really understand most of it as the 2 people performing spoke very fast and almost in riddles - too hard to follow for my brain! They got loads of people in the audience involved either on stage of just whilst they were sat down - glad they didn't pick me! I had no idea who most of the people were meant to be that they had volunteered, was all very confusing but very funny - they were bonkers and it was funny with lots of people involved. Went for fish and chips after that then walked back along the river and saw a fab sunset (its in the pics). Spoke to a guy called James in the hostel that night from Bude - he was in the play earlier, is only 18! We had a good laugh sharing our Tassie travel stories, he is coming to Melbourne soon so we'll probably meet up. Also spoke to a German guy who had just walked the 4 day overland track in the rain - why!!!!!!!
The next day I had a really long drive (about 300km) with a few stops and walks planned but I still left at my usual 10am time! Was fine though, and got to Hobart at dinner time. The first bit of the drive was sooooooo windy then went through and old copper mining town which as hideous looking as it was surrounded by giant mountains of brown copper waste which nothing could grow on! My first stop was a nice 20 minute walk through forest to a fantasic lookout over the world heritage area - very much a wilderness! Then I had lunch in this really strange park in a tiny town/village just off the main road. For the rest of the journey I saw loads of power stations, pipes and channelised rivers as there are tons of dammed rivers for hydro-electicity - most of Tassies power comes from here! Was quite bizzare. My next stop was at Mt. Field National Park were I had a really nice walk to Russell falls which were fantastic, then all through forests with huge (80m) eucalyptus trees. There were loads of signs on the way round and kookaburras making a racket in the trees, and the sun was out yay! So a really nice walk. Passed some naturally fallen trees that seem to go forever - were huge! Are the largest soft wood trees in the world how amazing! Saw another echidna on the way to Hobart walking along on the side of the road - how cool! Was nice to go back to the same hostel as it was like a full circle and I knew where to find it which was good. I saw Corinda (who I met when I was here before) she had just done another road trip with some other people! It would have been nice to go with a group for a few days, especially sharing the petrol costs but I didn't mind doing it on my own and obviously I could do whatever and whenever I wanted!
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