Grace's Adventures!
Hello everyone just a real quick one as I have a spare 10 mins on the internet! Am currently on a lunch break - not from a proper job, from babysitting for the 3 children again! They have been mostly good today but manic in places (i.e. hitting each other, mild tantrums etc.) but nothing Gracie can't deal with! Have just been playing in the hotel where their staying this morning and going to the park this afternoon. So much better than the waitressing, which I am quitting on Tuesday, can't wait! The childcare agency said they can get me loads of work for early Jan onwards and the hostel enough over Xmas and into the new year too, so really don't need the horrid waitress job! Won't miss it at all - some of the people there are really getting to me, not to mention the manager who sits around drinking coffee all day talking to various friends that come in! And I have worked 2 13 hour shifts which is just silly I think! So I now will be able to go out with friends on Xmas eve yay! And New years eve! I bought a christmas tree and decs for $16 a few days ago, was very impressed by my bargains! So feeling a tiny bit more christmassy, but not really. Our new house mate Nittin moved in a few days ago, he is really cool, think we will all get on pretty well over the next couple of months. Not much else has been happening in the world of Grace! I can't believe it was nearly a week ago I updated the website, feels like a few days ago! Time is going unbelievably fast it's quite scary, as I am living as I would at home with working etc. so more of a routine. Will probably not update this again until after Xmas so Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!!!!!!!
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