Today I spent the morning planning my journey and then I went with Fiona to see Claire and Katie's students graduate. Was the weirdest experience ever as the 5 students have Autism so it was difficult to control them but they were so excited that they completed their course. One of the students, Ben, even did a dramatic dance for us. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry but he loved it bless him. I booked a day trip up to the Atherton Tableland Waterfalls today for Saturday and I am very excited as it is meant to be a brilliant day trip. You even get to go to where Mysterious Girl was filmed and see some Platapus wahoo. I also booked my Greyhound for Monday to go to Mission for a couple of days.
Its ladies night tonight and Jane's bday so we are off for a cheap Thai meal and then on for drinks. Got to go and get ready so will let you know how it went.
Lots of Love xxx
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