Tuesday was Angela, Nicola and Kayleighs last night in Cairns so we all went down to the Lagoon for the day. Jane arrived on Monday night so she met us there too. Tuesday night we all went out for dinner and few drinks. We ended up in an Irish bar where we played Pool, I won wahoo, and then watched some horiible pole dancing competition hehe. After a lot of free drinks we made our way home along the boardwalk back to the hostel. Good night!
Yesterday I went for a long walk in the morning with Claire down to the Pier which was nice and then we went to the shops and bought some chicken and made a chicken salad for lunch, yum yum. In the afternoon Rachael, Claire, Maren, Katie, Fiona and I went to the local shopping centre a short bus ride away. I picked up a nice strapless bikini, to get rid of the tan lines, and a dress... bargain at 25 pounds for both. Last night we went for dinner at the Woolshed and then popped round to the boys (who used to stay at the hostel and then got a flat together) to watch True Romance. Was so tired from lack of sleep from the last few days that I was tucked up and asleep by 12. Poor show but I feel much better for it today.
Got up about 10am, just doing some research for my trip down the coast and now I am going for a walk down to the Fleet Terminal to get my Greyhound pass. This afternoon I am going with Fiona to the school where Katie and Claire work to watch the school graduation, bless them. Claire leaves on Sunday and Katie and Fiona are here for another 8 weeks. Cairns is lovely but 4 months is way too long! I plan to leave on Monday to head to Mission Beach for a couple of days so just planning my route and times until then. It's Jane's bday tonight so we are going to the pier for a drink which I thought would be nice and then going on. Not drinking tonight but Im going to make sure Jane has a good time.
Will check in again tomorrow.
Lots of Love xxx
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