This week began with teaching but then rather quickly turned into chinese new year...!! We taught on the Monday and Tuesday morning introducing some classics like the clothes race (which resulted in Brian turning up when two kids dressed in skirts(sexy!!) were chasing fran around the field!!)
But when Tuesday afternoon arrived the week of teaching ended. We headed off to Fang, picking up Sophia and Sarah on the way... and did some marketing followed by cake and duck... We then headed off for yet more food and went to a Korean restaurant for dinner.... It was a buffet where we cooked our own food in hot water over a stove.. we spent about 4 hours there becuase Oy still wasnt full!!We ate a range of food, from prawns to noodles and pineapple....
Wednesday was the beginning of Chinese New Year so we were taken to lunch at the noodle bar before going on a walk around a Chinese and a Lahu village where a lot of students live..In the evening we were invited to one of our students houses for a traditional chinese dinner, accompanied with lots of dynamite! Two of our teachers were rather jolly and came out with some amazing comments such as "I am Cru Sawan!!" a very funny night...
On Thursday morning we went back to the same families house to paint and hang eggs.. We created some very nice lucky egg necklaces, to give our loved ones when we return home..! The afternoon mostly consisted of table tennis(which was built on monday using a plank of wood for a net to our great excitement.. finally a sport we can play!) and karaoke..
Friday we headed off on a road trip with Sophia, Sarah, and the Maekok crew to our surprise.. we went up a very steep mountain to some great views across Northern Thailand! After taking lots of photos we headed down to Wawee Chinese Village for lunch and to drink Chinese Tea, where we were surprised to see some of our students celebrating the new year. We then went on to a resort where we drank more tea before heading home..We were all rather burnt and bruised after our days trip in the back of a pick up truck!On Friday night we went to Sukrethai to see their new house and have a DVD night.
Saturday wasnt particularly eventful, we went fora trip to Tha Ton before heading home for a chilled out afternoon with Sophia and Sarah, including a highly eventful game of football.
Sunday our Ajan took us for another trip.. Firstly we went into Mae Salak to the head of the villages house and did some Lahu dancing for the new year. We then went to Mae Salong, a Chinese village high in the mountains and saw some amazing views and drank yet more tea...We went and met the Ajans brother and ate at his restaurant before heading home for the week of teaching to come..
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