Well been here two days and life is still good. Last night I ate at the Market, with Jackie, Jill tonight we are just getting ready to go there again.
Jackie is at the hospital though with a mother and baby that we brought back from one of the villages.
As this morning we went out on what you might call a mercy mission. Charitable organisation if you want to look It up it's Choice in Cambodia, it's the best mission that I have seen so far with no profit made at all.
Out for supper finish later.x
Well have eaten but not at the Market had a Amok pork curry, yummy.
Am now in the blue pumpkin eTing an ice cream. Before bed.
I bought some medicine today as really bad chest infection and was coughing all night, so hopefully good sleep tonight.
Last night shared a room with Jess , tonight with Gill becoming a right hussy. No it's confusing, Jess has moved in with younger one Becky, there party girls.
I really would like to go out on one of those trips again, organisation started up in 2008 since then they have built up a successful service to some of the rural homeless. Taking rice supplies one Sunday, then taking volunteers for activity days following week, and checking all okay. Hence today we managed to bring the poor woman Nd her baby back to the city. As since having the baby last week she hasn't been right. looking at her breast and the baby it's not feeding and she is in agony. Hopefully hospital will sort her put choice will foot the bill. The father put the cross on baby's forehead to ward away evil spirits.
Will explain more another day.
Night x
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