Slept well, started the day at
Just to warn you before reading this is a bit heavy.
Do you ever get that time in your life when you stop and think how did I get here!!!!!!
Need to tell you a little about myself, I can't say I'm a religious person but I believe in something. I was brought up believing in spiritualism
I can only say that is the way my life has taken me. Strange as it may seem
A lot of things in my life I have been guided towards, hence why I am here.
When I was 25 I bought my own business , I was guided to that and can truly say I felt through all my life I have had spiritual help and guidance.
This may even be a shock to my family as I have never really spoken about it.
But after Peru now finding myself here really believe I am one of the lucky people in life.
Open your heart and believe let life guide you. We have 11/11/11 when the world is shifting, believing has never been a better time.
That is all a bit heavy on a Sunday of all days.
I stood today in the grounds of the killing fields and went to the prison s21 where the people were tortured first, before being brutally murdered.
What struck me was how close in time that is in our lives 1975 was the start , just a revolution of what we are seeing going on now. But on a bigger scale
Massacre of thousands of people mostly professional , whole families wiped out. It was a,revolution by the poorer and a political up rising of the khmer Rouge if you were against them you died.
It was very emotional.
Okay on a lighter note this a fun place, although poor in places. Kids enjoying life with nothing, even the children yesterday with the pizza had fun with the box after.
Maybe they have got it right no gadgets for them just pure fun, they laugh and smile if you wave at them. We are frightened at home to wave at kids, for several reasons.!!!!!
Kids in the western world don't know how to play with toys anymore, not saying it's wrong but makes you think.
Little girl of about 8 has just come to us westerns with box of goodies hoping to make a few pennies, she happily pokes her Tongue out at a policeman when
someone buys something ,even he hasn't the heart to move her on.
It's poor here but they treasure anything they have, motorbikes are even shining where they wash and polish them proud of what they have earnt.
They pray a lot , maybe that's what we are missing.
In our eyes they are poor, in theirs there lives are rich.
Hope I haven't bored you today with my blog but sitting here watching Life go by in Cambodia makes you think
I have had a great Sunday on my own but not alone
Seriously thinking of writing a book when back, does anyone know who is good to help me out, thought of it before but wouldn't know where to start.
Even if it's just to let others be aware that anyone can do this.
Yes it's scary but what a challenge .
Thanks to those of you that have stuck with this and read today's blog. Xxxx
Off to the orphanage tommorow, another adventure .
- comments
Nicky Great blog mum x It's always good to go deep and express your feelings x We are all very proud of you and feel i'm travelling with you x Have a good journey to Takeo x and doing a book is a brilliant idea x get yourself a journal and make notes x love you and speak to you soon xxxx
Claire q I expect my Mum would love to help you if u wanted to write a book. What would be good is to get a dictaphone and keep notes as u go to try and put ot together as a story when u r back! Or i guess the bloggs may be enough of a memory jogger. Wow sounds like u r having an a,azing time already!
Jean Battye H Bobby, just catcihing up with your news on a very wet and miserable morning here in good old Pompey! As Claire has mentioned above I would love to help you put your blogs into a Journal if you want. I am going on to read your next episode. Take care.