Well I'm ready,might be phycological but suddenly its all too hot and dusty.
Final good bye was said yesterday, we played games and had fun, the sugar cane man turned up & 43 drinks later costing the grand total 22.000 riel ( just over 5.00 dollars) balloons & other little gifts that I knew they would like. I left luckily it was quite quick as Tuktuk was waiting so didn't seem as sad as normal. I guess 3 times of saying goodbye they think your going back.
I also left bag of clothes I'm sick of !!! my shoes & handbag plus threw my baseball cap as I went.
The road where Matt & Nou live was being dug up this morning, I panicked for a moment thought I wouldn't get out, it's not something that crosses Cambodians minds, as they can move house on a motto, so anything is possible.
I'm now sitting in my room at Mekong Palace Hotel in Phnom Penh air conditioned room after a hot dusty bumpy ride.
I must have been back here about 7/8 times so they all know me really well, apparently this hotel is being converted to apartments starting in May so they have all lost there jobs.
I feel as though I have done Cambodia & have doubts, that I will ever come back.
Things are happening with the centre and orphanage, sadly I don't think it will be still going time I would get around to coming back.
Really don't know what will happen to the kids.
But staff haven't been paid for two months & a lot of other things that at this stage don't want to put in writing.
Coming back over 5 months you start to notice things that monies should have been spent on, where has it gone ??????
Things haven't been done.
Very sad, hopefully Matt & Nou will keep me informed.
But there is a change happening in there lives soon.
Lots of things I will miss, but it's been a very happy part of my life, with lots of love in return.
I won't miss, Mosquitos , red ants, heat, dirt & dust & toilets. Possibly more but can't think of at moment.
People in Cambodia are mostly happy people, especially when they haven't got a lot, lesson to be learnt, compare our kids to them, they are happier.
Every year I'm going to wonder what those kids are up to, hopefully living in a safe environment. With love.
So all being well I will land at Terminal 5 at .Wednesday 14 th March
I really don't mind if it's cold and wet, the air will feel fresh & my skin can breath again.
I'm of to have a manicure & pedicure get all the dirt & dust out to get me ready for life back in the UK. All for €7
Mmmmm might take something else to get me used to things back home especially prices.
See you soon
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