We woke up at 2.30 am with the ship heaving and rolling and my stomach following along with it! We had a knocking in the wall that was driving us both crazy so along with the rolling and the knocking and the things flying off shelves and rolling around the cabin there was very little sleep had. Fortunately we are heading south and this storm is heading north so within a day we should be out from under the effects... As it turned out this storm dumped a bucket load of snow on NYC and all along the northeast, in fact NYC got around 26 inches which was a tenth of an inch less than the all time record for snow in the city! It closed down the whole city, no cars or subways were moving so I guess (even though as a tourist it would have been pretty cool to see) we were lucky to get out and on the ship before it started.
We managed to stay in bed trying to sleep til about 7 then finally gave up, got up and showered and headed to the Garden Cafe for breakfast. Well Rodd had a lovely big breakfast but as I'd already lost whatever remnants of dinner and drinks I had left I just couldn't face food so had a cup of tea and one very tiny croissant, which took me about 15 minutes to get through. I think I lasted about half an hour before I couldn't cope anymore and headed back down to the cabin to curl up into a little ball!
I stayed there for as long as I could but we had the Cruise Critic meet and greet and gift exchange at 11 so dragged myself up to get down for that. I'm so sorry I didn't feel well for that because it would have been lovely to be able to chat in person to everyone that I'd been chatting to online for the last 8 months. We met some wonderful people through cruise critic on our very first NCL cruise and have not only cruised with them again but have been to visit them in Arkansas. In fact after this cruise we are meeting them, and another lovely couple from New Orleans, in Memphis. All the senior officers were there which was nice, I guess they realise the impact of these groups and how much online chatter can either make or break a business! After the officers left we had everyone stand and introduce themselves, when I got up I got a rousing cheer....apparently I'm a bit of a legend on the Roll Call....probably more for the fact that I'm from so far away and a country a lot of Americans know nothing about and want to visit than for my magnetic personality and charm!
Nothing much else happened today as I was feeling so terrible I spent the whole day in bed with Rodd doing food runs to and from the buffet for me. He was there for most of the day but did go up to the casino for a few hours entertainment coming back $30 richer. We did stop at Guest Services on the way back to the cabin from the M & G to pick up some drugs for my poor tummy.
- comments
Debra Oh you poor thing, what a horrible start to your cruise!
Debbie Nothing worse than seasickness...Yuck. Hope all is better now
Lyndal Was thinking about you so much when we had all the reports of the storm & snow - the pics of NYC are pretty amazing, have you seen them?? So it was good you got out when you did...Also wondered how you would fair with the poor thing :-( hope it was short lived and you were back doing shuffleboard on the lido deck in no time :-)
Barby Yes we were all thinking of you and worried . So relieved you got out of NY when we did. talk about "dodging a bullet" !
Barby "..when YOU did" !!I'd no idea you are prone to sea sickness Larne. That was awful for you but good to read you bounced back and could then enjoy the cruise.