Day 50: The Spectacular Jumping Crocodiles.
So...we've seen Freshwater crocodiles in the wild at Windjana Gorge, but now we want to see the famoue Esturine crocodile (better known as the saltwater crocodile) in the wild. The problem is however, with all the swimming we have been doing, we have mixed emotions about actually seeing a wild one!
So we go to the next best thing...wild salties living and breeding in the Adelaide River, that have been jumping for a bit of meat on a stick for thirty years...when they feel like it. No guarantees of course.
Whilst waiting to board, the boys get to hold a python and read all the newspaper headlines about 4.5m crocs being found in the suburbs, taking pet dogs, blocking roads, etc etc...nothing like reading about salties in swimming holes when you've just been swimming!!
Anyway...we board the double-decker boat, only to be told to move right through to the small, flat-bottomed boat...that sits precariously low in the water...hmmmm.
The skipper proceeds to tell us that we are food for the crocs and that they can see us coming, so stay seated whilst moving, because even though crocs don't feed very often, they can make an exception. Did I mention that we are close to water?
Anyway...we see crocs straight away, and the young girls up front swing the meat on a stick, and the crocs (in their own time mind you), eye it, and then launch themselves out of the water! It's unreal! And to be so close too...awesome!
The boat takes us up and down the river for an hour, enticing crocs to 'sing for their supper' you might say. The boys are croc spotting for the driver and just loving it...we have all waited eagerly to see the famous saltwater crocodile.
On the drive out we get up close to some 'farmed' buffalo and take a few snaps. This is only the third time we have seen buffalo.
Once was as we were driving between Katherine and Kununurra, we spied a single one on the side of the road and we didn't stop because I thought we would see heaps. But they have done a massive eradication program up here to get rid of them, and it's pretty much done the sighting of many buffalo. Our second time was coming out of Douglas Springs, we saw a mother and calf, and I did stop this time, but they ran off.
An exciting day for all, and even though they say never smile at a crocodile, there were lots of smiling faces today...
F x
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