I have now sat at the computer contemplating how to begin describing Delhi for almost 10 minutes! Seriously, words cannot do the place justice, you really have to see it for yourself! It is absolutely chaotic, insane and so totally extreme, yet so incredible at the same time. Arriving in Delhi is certainly an experience I will never forget! If you can picture cars, lorries, rickshaws, busses, the odd random cow and stray dog running around! thats what the roads are like. The driving is crazy and they really like to use their horns here! A LOT! There is so much noise, pollution, smells and chaos everywhere, just so much to take in. They drive at extreme speeds, which doesn't make you feel to safe considering the lack of seatblts and apparent non use of wing mirrors. Most cars dont even have them. In amongst all this crazy driving there are people EVERYWHERE! Sleeping on the side of the road, wondering in amongst the traffic. Everytime our car stopped, a beggar would come up and start tapping on the window, some with babies, and one even just waving his limbless stump at us. Quite a site.
When we landed in Delhi after what seemed like days travelling, on sleepers and planes we knew it was not going to be easy. And of wasnt! Scammed straight away despite following all the advice given in the guide book for how not to be we ended up in the wrong taxi and taken pretty much everwhere... except our hotel. They claimed how our one was overbooked, non existent, in a bad area, every excuse in the book! and how they new of a much better one, yeh right! Well 4 hours later after much persitent asking, demanding....running away, we got to our hotel.
We spent 3 days in Delhi. Luckily on arrival we befriended the manager of a tourism company. He made sure we were looked after properly and even took us out for a couple of meals at some nice restaurants. He recommeded a nice guesthouse for us to stay in for the next 2 nights. We even had a car booked for us for the 2 following days to take us round Delhi's sites. We got to see the red fort, the lotus temple, a spice market (where we were taken round on the rickiest rickshaw ever!) and some of the bazzars. There were quite some extrordinary sites to be seen. Due to the traffic, we did end up spending much of our time in the car!
Despite the initial scariness of Delhi I really grew to love Delhi. I think it is because it is so different to home and everything seems to go. Even sitting stuck in a car we could be kept amused for hours by the hustle and bustle outside! There was never a dull moment. Although we were gradually getting used to the craziness of Delhi, we realised that scamming is a big problem and probably would persistenly be throughout our trip! Lets face it nobody tells the truth here! Trust no one, sadly it is all about the money. Therefore, we arranged the rest of our tour through the tourism office so that we would know exactly where we were going, what we were to be doing and that we always had someone to collect us, so no more scamming!
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