-Once your listening to God, your whole thinking is going to change
-You can hear Gods voice, but do you listen to Him?
-Don't look with you visual eyes, look with you spiritual eyes
-Be in the world, not from the world
-Love must be choosen
-Mind the gap - stand in the gap - bridge the gap
-There are no questions we can't ask God
-Prayer is rebellion against evil
-You need to get out of your comfort zone to really get to know God
-Don't listen to created things, listen to the Creator
-To bring healing to other people, God must first heal you
-Happy people chance the world
-I am blessed to be a blessing
-God can do anything, anywhere trough anyone
-There is no explanation for Gods love. He loves us because He is our Father
-Even from the ashes I can make fire
-What I think I'm holding is holding me
-Focus on what you have, not on what you don't have
-Sometimes it only takes a peaceful meaning as confirmation
-God can open doors no man can close
-Keep God first in your art, then it will be powerful
-Wisdom is better than weapons of war
-The Holy Spirit is a gentlemen
-God loves to surprise us
-I don't care what people think of me, I care about what Jesus thinks about me
-There is no heart to hard for God
- comments
Putri I heard that he that he watned do a Eastenders appearence Lol. Not sure how true this is, has anyone else heard it? There's a bit of me that sort of wishes this is not true lol.