A large proportion of Norway is comprised of water and mountains. Neither of which are conducive to road transport. So to deal with these challenges the Norwegians have become great tunnel builders and ferry operators. If a mountain is in the way the simply tunnel through it. The longest we have encountered so far is 8kms. But they have built one of 24kms, the world's longest. Tunnels have become synonymous with our trip and we no longer marvel at them. On the other hand if there is water to be crossed, then a ferry is the answer. Again it's just another part of the road system. We started heading south today and stayed overnight in a little place called Boyum, famous for 3 things. The Norwegian Glacier Museum and the Boyabreen and Supphellebreen glaciers. We did all 3, and whilst the weather has turned a bit nasty, read rain and low mist, we did manage to see both glaciers, albeit for a very short time.
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