Well I guess it is about time I updated our blog, we have been too busy relaxing and getting into holiday mode.We were sad to leave our campsite at Tumbling Waters aqs it was so beautiful but it was time to move on,the caravan park in Darwin in nice but not as nice at the one at Berry Springs.The only negative thing about the last campsite was the mozzies and midgies,Bruce absolutely got bitten all over I was lucky they obviously don't like the taste of my blood.
We have only had a chance to have a little look at Darwin it is very hard to look and drive at the same time so we are going to catch the bus into town and walk around and have a good look.
We wnet to the military museum yeasterday which was really interesting,I had no idea how close the Japanese came to Darwin.
We absolutely loved Berry Springs we were the first people to swim in them after the wet season,when we arrived they had just opened them 5 minutes earlier,they had been closed since September 2010.I must admit I was a little bit paranoid for the first 10 minutes even though they assured us they had done a very thorough scan for crocodile you are just never sure whether they might have missed one.
The weather up here is a constant 30 degrees but the overnight temperature has dropped to about 16 over the last week which apparently is very unusual,all the locals are complaing saying that they are freezing.
We went to a demonstration on how to make didgeridoos they other day which was very interesting (sorry Brett ) then they showed us how to play them,not as easy as it looks .
The caravan park here is huge it has 3 pools and a bistro and bar, we had tea there last night as it was snitzel night for $10 and it was lovely sitting outside on a hot balmy night eating your meal.It is very quiet up here at the moment apparently,so much so that the park has dropped their daily rate by $4 which was a nice bonus for us.
Thats about all for now,havn't got any pictures as I have done something to the camera and it is not working properly for some reason.
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