We are now at Berry Springs only 50kms from Darwin,we are staying in a lovely tropical caravan park called Tumbling Waters caravan park.It is close to Lithchfield national park so we will go off and explore the waterfalls and springs around the park in the next few days.The caravan park has an enclosure in the centre of it with some freshwater crocodiles in it,they are going to feed them tommorrow so we will go and watch that,then they have a didgeridoo lesson then after that they have a deckchair cinema which sound like a lot of fun.
We enjoyed our stay in Katherine especially the springs,apparently there are springs here too so will have to explore that.It has been a bit cooler the last few days only 29degrees and down to 16 overnight, the locals are complaining about the cold up here,the reckon it is freezing.
We are looking forward to getting to Darwin and setting up camp for 3 weeks without having to up camp,it will be lovely to stay in the same place for a while.
- comments
Jesus Parrot / University of Colorado at BoulderSturm College of Law at the University of DenverBut neither of these are good law sclhoos. Why? Because neither are considered a T14 law school (i.e. Top 14 law: Harvard, Yale, Stanford ). My advice, if you are considering attending any law school other than a T14, please reconsider. With the legal market being so terrible these days, its Yale or Fail. Don't waste your money.