Well finally after weeks of trying to find a warm day to go to the beach Mark and I got it!!! so we caught a train to a nicer beach just outside of the city.. Brighton! Home fo the Beach boxes! they were soo neat to see along the shore.. Spent the day there relaxin in the hot hot sun...
New Years in Mebourne was great!!! probably the most fun i could have asked for! there ended up being alot of people sitting around goign hmm what should we do.. so by the time the night came to celebreate we decided sitting around together was the best plan! lol so off everyone went to the local bottleshop (right downstaris.. knows everyone by name for sure) and came back to the common area of the hostel.. ended up being around 25 or 30 of us! it was great fun!! stood around chatting and playign pool... we did manage to get ourselves together and go out to the rivers edge to see the fireworks.. which were amazing and totally worth it!! they were all around us! it was great!!! then back the the hostel we went to carry ont he celebrations.. once the goon (Australian boxed wine) was gone we headed to the hostel bar (again just downstaris) to dance the night away... finally at 5am with the sun starting to rise.. we decided it was time to pack it in and head off to bed... but of course i decided it would be a great idea to call my family before i did so!! hahah good thing my Aunty layne has sucha good sense of humor! and called me back to laugh at me haahhah
the next few days later a few of us decided we wanted to go on a road trip before our friend Adi left us for NEw Zealand... i was suppose to work but i called in "sick" hehe... So the 4 of us rented a car and headed to the GReat Ocean Road! I know ive seen in before but i got to see different things and hang out with different people.. even tho most to he time we spent trying to figure out what the other meant.. haha and me being the purely english speakign person i spent most of the day trying to translate what the Isrealian, Korean and French were trying to say in English.. highly entertaining! hahaha On our trip we got to see alot fo wildlife! but i still haevnt seena kangaroo! grrr....
we found this one lookout point that we were told was the greatest... so we headded out there and found a sign that said "Teddys Lookout Point... 300m" So we parked the car and started heading down the path.... the path looked well used even tho it was sooo narrow! we walked and walked which seemed like for ever adn then decided this definitly wasnt the way down ahahah as we had walked at least 600 m! then all a sudden Adi stopped in the middle of the path and i ran into her.. then greg ran into me and Nes ran into all of us!!! once we all stopped and looked ahead we realized why adi had stopped! there was a snake int he middle of the path!?!?!?!? like not even 5 feet in front of us! Once we all calmed down we huddled for a few mintues while we waited for it to leave.. later on my co-workers tell me tht it was a Tiger snake.. #3 deadliest snake in Australia?!?! eeek1 hahaha oh well at least we lived to tell the tale..
After the snake past we carried on and finally arrived at Teddys Lookout... we took some beautiful pictures then turned around to find cars parked a few hundred metres away... like 300m! apparently we misread the sign adn were suppose to have drove down the road farther to the car park and walk 300m to the lookout ahaahah ooops! we thought of taking the route we already took back to the car but then decided the road might be a safer way back... and as we were walkign we came across a koala bear on the ground! beign good tourists we took out our cameras and clicked away.. as we got closer we realized that this poor little guy was blind in one eye! poor thing. but he was still sooo adorable!
We arrived in Kennett River which is know for having an abundance of Koalas and found a group of people standing in some trees pointing.. so we pulled over to see what was int he trees.. and we got to see a baby koala!! he was soooooo adorable!! probably the cutest baby animal ever! lol
so all in all it was a great trip and the perfect waya to say good bye to our friend Adi as she left for New Zealand the next morning....
I uploaded some pics of me at work.. the blowup doll is Shane Warne.. hes the Cricket player that im selling the products for hahaha thanks to the reps at Fosters we were sent this lovely blowup doll and have been having alot fo fun with it haha.
well thats it for now.. im off to the beach for a bbq!!! take care!!
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