Well Friday came.. and we heard back from our Opera singer friend!!! And apparently he was a little to tipsy to realize that he had already given all of his tickets away!!! Haha we were pretty sad but soon found something to wash away sorrows… a bar!!
We were told by Boris about this small little bar.. he says it is the greatest bar in Melbourne and definitely worth going to… so off a few of us went in search of the bar… we walked until we came to the street we were told it would be on.. when we looked down it all we saw was garbage bins and boxes everywhere!!! And lots of graffiti… it really didn't look too inviting! Haha but we could heard some music playing and then a group of drunks pushed past us… and really if you want to find a good bar.. follow the drunks!!!! Hahaha so we did! Lol and we found our bar!
Once we got inside we realized that when Boris said small bar.. he actually meant something smaller then my bedroom back home! Hahaha it was soooo tiny and packed full of people! Lol it was great!?!?! Finally pushing through the crowds and (yet again following the drunks)we went downaset of stairs and we were back outside!!! Haha well not exactly cuz there was canopys and umbrellas set up to make a room! Lol it was great! The music was a little different but I soon warmed up to it hehe
We spent a few hours here meeting up with our fellow backpackers.. and I finally met an Aussie!!! A real true Aussie?!!?!? Haha I adore my fellow backpackers but it was definitely time to meet some locals.. His name is John and he was awesome.. we chatted for a while and I soon found out hes been to Calgary (yeah!)….s they night went on with drinks and good times.. and then right in the middle of a song.. it just went completely dead! Seemed odd but the regulars knew what I meant.. home time!.. at 130am!!!! Craziness! I definitely wasn't ready for bed.. so when I ran into our new Aussie friend and got invited to another local bar i was very excited…
After what I was told would be a "just around the corner bar" we fianlyl came to the next place after about 15 minutes of walking.. for those that don't know.. it only takes 20 minutes to walk clear across Melbournes Downtown! Lol but it was agreat place with a live Heavy Metal band… which was a little too heavy for my likings.. and same for my roommate.. so we decided to call it a night… and we were soon on our search for McDs! Lol when we got back we found our other roommate! She was suppose to have met up with us at the first bar.. but she decided to drink a lot of Goon (really cheap.. really disgusting.. box of wine!) and got lost in the downtown streets hahaha
The next day Laure and I were to meet up with a few friends of hers… she met Elodie threw family friends and then we met Elodies friend Shona… we were suppose to catch a 30 minute ferry to Williamstown but the ferry had some difficulties and after and hour and a half or waiting for it to arrive we returned our tickets, got a full refund and took the train… Not as scenic and beautiful as the ferry would have been.. but it was nice to get to Williamstown… It's a suburb of Melbourne and its much quieter and is right on the Ocean! So we spent our day walking along the beaches.. oooh and Shona brought her dog! So I got some quality bonding time hahah…
John (my new Aussie friend) called me later that day and wanted to go for drinks.. so I met up with him at his apartment.. and it was beautiful!!! Its in St Kilda and literally there is the Bay, the beach, a street, then his apartment!!! And is balcony looks over the water! It was amazing!! And the two walls that faced the Oceanside were completely windows!!! It was soooo awesome! If I get an apartment that's what I want! Hmm wonder if he will switch? Lol j/k
John spent the evening educating me on Australia.. it was hilarious.. he would say something then ask if I knew what it was.. my reply was always.. ummm nope! Haha Hes a huge sports fanatic (as I'm finding most Melbourne-ians are) so he told me a lot about sports.. such as the game of Cricket.. I looked into seeing a game once then found out it took 5 days!!! Hahaha so I decided not to go.. but John informed me that there is a game called "One Dayers" which is a game that lasts for (surprise surprise) one day.. then another one called "Day & Nighter" (yet again too obvious)… so I guess I'll be going to see the "Day &Nighter"! haha Ill have to take John with me cuz I think ill be very confused! Hahaha
I went for a job interview last Friday.. it was for a call centre.. after doing the spelling test, the typing test (found out I type 48 words/minute with a 96% accuracy) I felt very confident about this position.. I was told they would contact the successful candidates Friday evening.. But I didn't get called! I was soo disappointed and didn't get why I wasn't picked.. but on Monday morning, bright and early (like 10am! I was still sleeping) I got the call and I got the job!!! Yeah!!! So I had my first shift to day! It was really easy and they are super impressed with my computer skills, and my phone etiquette that tomorrow im going to learn the harder system!!! Yeah! Lol
For those that don't know.. I have family in the Melbourne area.. they are from my mothers side, who is originally from England.. so I tried contacting them last week.. the first number I tried didn't work and had been disconnected… and the other number I had was for my Great Aunty and apparently shes very old and I wasn't sure if I should bother her.. but it was my last number so I tried.. and I got through to her.. so I told her I was her relative from Canada and she yelled that she couldn't hear me.. so I kept trying to speak up.. eventually she got annoyed with me and said "I have a hearing aid and cant hear you!" and hung up!! Hahaha I called my grandmother to let here know who it went contacting her family and she just laughed at me… a few days later I got an email from my mother saying… that my great aunt realized who I was after she hung up.. so she called my Great aunt in England who called my other great aunt in enland.. who call my Grandmother in Canada who called my mother! Hahaha all of this to say that they are sorry and that they want me to call Steve (my Great Aunts Son) and chat with him.. apparently he has a huge house and welcomes me to come and stay for as long as I want! And I was invited for Christmas!! Yeah! So I might have an Aussie/British Christmas after all. Hahah
Well that's all for now.. as its getting very late and I need to go to bed… take care! Love and miss you all!!!
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