Yep...still jealous of you. You see the problem I am facing now. Everyone LOVES hearing your stories and seeing your pics because they are just imagining how beautiful it is there when in actual fact I know the pictures are doing Australia absolutely no justice. hahaha Love you tons. See you in 4 more months where the weather will drop below -2.7 hahahaha XOXO
Favourite Cousin
Hey Dee... Glad to see you are still staying out of trouble (kind of) and enjoying yourself. We still miss you tonnes back here.... and I'm still trying to win the lottery to come and visit you!
Well, take care chicka,..... keep us updated, I love hearing all your stories and seeing all your photos...
Hi there, I found a nice travel community site where you can find travel partners and meet locals all over the world, http://www.whenareyouthere.comIt also has a big volunteer section where you can find free volunteer programs and free homestays with locals in exchange for some work. Happy travels, Luc
Auntie Layne
so glad to see you are still having fun but not sure with TWO VERTS loose in Australia I am sure that can only spell trouble.
Love ya and stay safe
Howdy! Just finished readin your novel of a post! I could just picture you standing there all soaked after that nice shower, its amazing how quickly a feeling of comfort and happiness can be wiped away by a budget enduced walk in the rain :-) I hate looking at your pictures when Im sitting here at work in front of my computers in an office with no windows :-( So hows Little Mikka liking it over there?
Favourite Cousin
Well, good to see that losing your voice during your birthday didn't affect your typing at all. Great to hear you haven't been eaten by any scary Aussie bugs, and that your having a great time! That was by far the most entertaining blog ever. Take care honey
Favourite Cousin
I am not going to read your blog.. It must wait until a long night shift.... because that is a LONG blog! ha ha ha...
Favourite Cousin
I hope your having one hell of a party tonight!!! Miss ya!
It is very cold here this morning hope you feel sorry for your mom and dad, i know we feel sorry for us
Uncle Brent And Aunty Rob
Happy Birthday A little late. But better late than not at all. LOL.(Uncle Brent!) Great to see the pics, looks like you are having fun. That's all that counts. Hope you continue to have a good time, be safe. Look forward to more pics. Love you lots. BRKM.
Grandpa & Grandma Vert
Hello Deanna,
We are thinking of you and miss you.We want to WISH you a very
HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Trust you are having a wonderful time.