Hey everyone!!!
sorry i havent wrote in a while.... internet is getting to be expensive! So at im borrowing Laures computer to type and then transfer it to my blog.... however i am using a french keyboard and the keys are not in the same spots!!!! haha the Q is where the A should be, the Z is where the W should be at well pretty much everything is in a different spot hahaha but its free so.... haha
well im sure most of you have already checked out my pictures from the Great Ocean Road!!! it was such a great time! And as beautiful as my pics are... they do no justice as it is absolutely amazing out there!!!! my most favorite part was seeing the Koala bear!!! Mike (another Canadian we met along the way) is an « expert » at koala spotting and found the first one sitting way up in a tree eating.. being the good tourists we are, we got out and started taking pictures.. Mike then told us that we are lucky because not many people get to see a koala in action as they spend most of the day sleeping... so we were very excited.. we got back in the car and drove down the road about a mile and found a koala crossing the road!!!!! haha it was hilarious to see it woddle along!!! we were even more excited about this one because we got with in 4 feet of it!!!!! and it just sat there and posed for us!! haha but soon it grew tired of our touristy acts and left us....
After that we went on to the main attractions of the Great Ocean Road... first the 12 Apostles, then the Arch, and lastly the London Bridge... all of these were rock formations and were really neat to see... they will be around for years to come as the waves are eroding the rock at 2cm per year....
one of the highlights of going on this road trip was the chance to drive on the « wrong » side of the road!!!!!!! it was very scary at first and i had to keep reminding myself of the rules being backwards... haha i was doing pretty good until i had to do a U turn! I pulled into an approach and shoulder checked but checked the wrong side and almost drove head on into traffic!!!!!! hehe oops! But after that i did very well!! lol
Ive been busy deciding what to do next and finally decided that i am going to go to Tasmania!!! when i planned this trip it was on my list and now that im here so many people have told me how wonderful and beautiful it is there.. so i looked into flights today and i can fly from Melbourne for $60!! so i just need to decide when im going and which tour to take... 6days, 7 days, or 9 days...
Ive also realized that if im going to stay in Melbourne for a little bit i had better get a job, so i can at least make enough money to cover my hostel and food for the week... so i sent my resume into a bunch of recruitment agencies and hope to hear back next week... im just looking for a temp job as a receptionist I everyone tells me there is an abundance of them... so fingers crossed... or else im going to work at the « Big W » (which is identical to our WalMart!) hahaha
Last night a few of us went out for dinner... we went for Ethiopian! I had no idea what they ate... i was kind of assuming rice of some sort.... But nope!!!! they eat the most amazing food!!!!!! we ordered a plate for 4 people and they brought this HUGE plate out that took up the whole table! And when they took the lid off there was all kinds of food sitting on this bread!!!! and it was all to be eaten with our hands!!!! haha so basically there were little piles of different foods... some spiced beef, cooked lentils, boiled cabbage; some really good fish..... and you are suppose to rip off a piece of bread and just dig in!! it was sooo much fun and sooooooooo filling.... once we were done that and our Ethiopian Beers, Ethiopian Dessert, and Ethiopian Coffee we were sooo stuffed that we could hardly move and were defintily ready for bed!! haha
i went to St Kilda the other night with a couple of guys.. we went to check out some pubs, as this area is known to have the best pubs... and they were right!! it was alot of fun... if you forget about the fights people wanted to have.. and the street person that wanted to sell me her Gold Ring for $50.... it was a great time!!!!! haha its kind of the sketchy part of town where the hookers and druggies hangout lol...... we plan to go back on Sunday!!!!! hehe
at the moment i am sharing a room with three other girls... at the moment the countries being represented are Canada, Norway, France and Japan... so its very interesting to chat with each other and learn each persons traditions... Laure (French) is busy learning English and has difficulties some days... but she definitly keeps us laughing.. like the other day she came into the room and told us she « Put her vibrator in her pocket » what she was really trying to say was that she put her phone on vibrate and put it in her pocket!!! hahah once we stopped laughing we corrected her....
well thats it for now.... its time to go outside and enjoy the beautiful weather!! its been rainy and crappy all week... but we are back upto +20 again!!!!
Take care!!! missing you all!!! be sure to drop me an email about the cold weather your enjoying! Hehe
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