Hey everyone!!
ok well i've tried writing my blog for the past month a few times but the computer i am now using is reallly old and tempermental.. and it seems to be eating my blogs!!! So im going to have to break this down into seperate blogs to catch you all up on my adventures... so bare with me.. hopefully by the end of the week ill have caught up to the current date...
hmm let see where did i leave off.. oh yes! Last i told you i left the beautiful Tasmania for Melbourne!! Which so far still has to be my most favrorite part of Australia! I love Melbourne for sooo many reason!! Unfortunatly one of them wasnt the heat!! When i got off the plane the temperature had risen by at least 10 degrees from when i left Tassy!! yicks!
So once i was back in Melbourne i headed back top my favorite hostel... Flinders Station!! I was sooo excited cuz i knew alot of my friends would still be there after my two week absence.. and i was right!! lol i walked up to the reception and who do i see sitting ont he couch in the exact say place i left them!! but James and Scott!! haha! Im not even kidding they were int he same spots.. wearing the same clothes... drinking goon outta the same cups!!! hahah it was sooo hilarious.. and all they could do was laugh adn say has it really been 2 weeksalready!! lol after that they decided they better get up shower and carry on drinking goon... unfortunately i couldnt join them in the usual escapades as i had plans to meet up with some other friends in St Kilda! (a suburb of Melbourne) So i quickly showered adn caught the next tram south...
Arriving in StKilda i realized that the music festival was still going strong even tho it was a sunday night..After finally finding Laure i the crowd we headed to meet up with a few friends at this Latin bar.. it was really neat and it was a huge courtyard on the beach!! and the music was amazing with live music all night!! Once we had enuf of the Latin beats we headed off to see a friend of Laures play at a place called Cargo as well to meet up with the guys i met in Tasmania..
Arriving at cargo i really wasnt expecting the place to be builtout of those huge metal Cargo Containers!!! it was sooo neat looking! and rather outta place.. but once inside we found a very unique little bar as well as my friends... Once meeting up with them the drinks started to flow!! and eventually Laure had to leave us as she was the only backpacker that had a job to go to on Monday morning hehe... the four of us carried on until the bar closed and forced us to leave! but fortunaly we were in St Kilda!! its well known to be the party place so we went hunting for another bar!! after walking clear across St Kilda at 3 in the morning and being turned away from 3 other pubs we finally came across a pub that was still serving! even tho this place is known to be a little sketchy we no longer cared as we were sooo thirsty!!!
Once inside the bar we made our way to the bar, got some more drinks and found a table to perch ourselves at... Having been told about this bar before (and vaguely remembering being here once before.. think back to the ring the bag lady tried to sell me.. thats this bar!! haha) i told the guys the stories ive heard about this place.. and warned them to not go to the otehr side of the wall as it was known for its "friendly gays" and that they were better off on this side.. well our Mr Nathan has a tendancy to not hear the whole story and when he questioned what was on the otehr side of the bar the guys played stupid and encouraged him to go check it out... the look on the poor guys face when he came back!!! hahaha I then reminded him that it was "Gay Pride weekend" and he decided that part of the bar wasnt for him after all ahhaha
As we were finishing off our drinks a girl came up and started chattign with Johnny.. this is becuase Johnny is Scotish and was wearing the full getup of kilt, socks and shoes and that little purse-thingy (cant remember the correct name for it).. and this girl had onyl one question for Johnny.. if he was a true Scotsman and went commando.. Well, Johnny being a very proud scotsman crossed his arms across his puffed up chest and said "of course.. wouldnt be a Scotsman if i didnt" ..the girl laughed and said "how do i know your telling the truth" and she ran her hand from his hip down his thigh! lol This is where Nathan thought he'd get even with Johnny from before and piped up "well the best way is to reach up and have a feel for yourself" and she did!!! hahahahah And she tells me he is a True Scotsman and walks away!! hahahah Once we pick ourselves up off the ground we decide this bar has just gotten interesting!! hhahah Not even 15 minutes later another girl walks up!! She doesnt know the first girl and wasnt even in the bar when this all happened and the exact thing happens all over again?!!?!?!??! hahah This is all jsut too much for us and we are all in tears!! The second girl disappears for a moment but then returns with a friend of hers to introduce Johnny to! a guy friend!! a VERY gay guy friend of hers!!! This guy introduces himself to Johnny and only Johnny! haha then continues to talk about Johnnys kilt and how much he loves a man in a skirt and the he too thinks he should get one as hes 1/8 Scotish!!! hahahah Poor Johnny if he could have climbed under that table he would have!! Just as we are all starting to wondering if this guy is fishing for the same invitiation as the girls just had, his friend re-appears and drags him away as they are leaving the bar!! luckily for Johnny!!! hahahahah again tears! and thats when Johnny decided that maybe wearing a skirt (he even called it that, this time!) in St Kilda on Gay Pride Wekend wasnt the brightest idea hahaha
Eventually we are finished with this bar and are walking down the road back towards where the guys hostel is.. as its 5am i have suddenly realized that i missed my last tram back to the city centre by 5 hrs!! hehe oops.. so i decide that walking clear across St Kilda again to get to Laures place would be a better option then a taxi ride home... So we start our trek back and guess who we find in the streets?!?! its Johnnys new Gay friend?!?! haha As soon as Johnny saw him he ran over towards me picked me up around the waist swung me around and said please dont leave my side i beg you!! hahaha and he put his arm around his new "girlfriend" haha the guys hostel was about half way between the bar and Laures place but being the gentleman those British guys are, they walked me all the way to Laures place.. once i got there i called her to see if shed come let me in.. keep in mind that its 5am and she has to be up at 7am to go to work! haha oops... eventually after the groggyness wears off and she understands that im actually standing outside her place! she comes downstairs to let me in and laughs as my sorry-drunk-ass all the way to bed :)
I vaguely remember Laure talking to me in the morning and the next thing i know im waking up at 1030am with a massive headache... i stumble out of her room to find her roommate (who ive never met till this moment) standing in the hallway laughing at me and he offers me water hahaha So all in all it was a great night had back in Melbourne and it was the last time i got to party with the British boys as they had to catch their plane later that afternoon back home :( But Nathan did texted me to let me know even tho they were extremely late getting to the airport they did get on their plane and are now back home, working and living life again..
The following night was a little tamer as i spent it in the hostel catching up with old friends and meeting new ones... However the following night was yet again a great night in Melbourne as Kat had come to Melbourne to meet up with me!! and it was her birthday!! So of course theres no better place to have a birthday in Melbourne then none-other 'The Joint' (the hostel bar)! After many drinks and ensuring Kat enjoyed her birthday we finally made our way back to our room in the early hours.. and had a very much needed sleep as i finally booked my flight to Perth and was leaving that afternoon!!
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