Well it rained! the one day i wanted to go to the beach! and it rains uugh.. having worked so amny hours this week i finally get my day off on thursday!! so im pretty excited... so i planned to go to the beach and relax allll day! but as i walked to work this mornign it was raining so i checked the little tv bulliten thingy by the elevators and it tells me the rain is here to stay until friday.. very sad... at this rate im gonna have a rainy christmas!
work is going well.. i have been trained on a new product... now i will be taking the orders for a Warnie Figurine... as most people reading this are Canadian and have no idea what this is (trust me i was just as confused when my boss told me what my new job was haha) you can check out this website... ... too sum it up Shane Warne is a famous cricket player... apparently he "bowled the greatest ball of the century".. confused.. good! im not alone! haha So i head into the training room to find 3 other guys.. one is david who was hired the same day as me.. the other two are Bala and Andrew they are seasoned call centre agents... they were both pretty shocked to see i was the other person on this job.. i think their exact words were "do you even know who ShaneWarne is?" and "Do you even know what cricket is??" and "silly Canadian".. my answer. - "Nope" hahahah so the rest of the day was spent traiing on the new system.. and then training me as to who this guy was and how the game of cricket actually works!!! let me tell you its nothing like Baseball as i had once thought!!! lol Bala said hes going to bring me a novel on Shane Warne! haha oh dear these aussies are crazy about their sports....
Well i finally called my Aussie family back to see if i was still invited for Christmas.. and Steve was very very excited that I wanted to come.. i guess hes been wanting to call me and re-invite me haha so i bought my train ticket.. i leave here on Dec 24th around noon and 2 hrs later I will be in Traralgon until mid afternoon on Dec 26th... orginally i was told my ticket would cost $60 return.. but i must have got some Special Christmas deal because it came to $27 return!! (yeah for discounts!).. I'm getting a little nervous as Steve informed me there will be about 30+ people there for me to meet!! eek... but im sure it will be fine cant be any crazier then the other British relatives ive met over the years hahah
with my train ticket being less then i had orginally thought.. i decided to go to the Art Centre and see what was playing.. i looked at a few plays decided they were a little strange and chose to see a Ballet! Ive never seen a ballet before so it should be interesting.. I chose "Swan Lake".. a very popular ballet.. so i figure im safe... so thats my plans for tonight..
well thats it for now.. im sure ill have plenty of pics to put up once i get back from my Aussie/British christmas.. take care!
Love Dee
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