Wow its been a while since ive wrote on here.. kinda lost track of time.. so .. what have i been doing??
well i went to the ballet and had a great time! it was a very different performance then i have ever seen before... but i absolutly loved it!! i sat next to a very nice lady.. she had seen this particular performance 3 times already so when i started to get a little lost she would explain it to me... as there is no talking in a ballet.. just have to see it all.. but they are very dramatical so it was fairly easy to follow along..
A friend and i went out for an early christmas dinner together as i wasnt going to be in the city for Christmas.. so we went to a fairly fancy restaurant and had kanagroo and emu!! it was veery very delish.. i will definitly be having them again! We were gonna try the crocodile as well but i guess we;'ll leave that for another time... For dessert we ordered this chocolate plate.. it has 5 different chocolate desserts on it!! alll absolutly aweome!!! it was a chocolate lovers dream! lol then we went out for drinks at the hostel bar.. we met a few people and had a good chat with an Irish guy.. hes a bartender at a local pub and invited us to come and have some drinks .. he was new and didnt have much clientel yet.. so hopefulyl we'lk make it over there soon... not too long after chattign with him i noticed his friend standing next to us at the bar.. im not sure what was being said but all a sudden he dropped his pants and was just standing there in his boxers!! right in the middle of the bar!!! hahaha luckily he had nice friends and they didnt want him to get kicked out so they came over adn re-dressed him hahaha too funny.. gotta love the hostel bar.. always something interesting going on.
When i got back to the hostel i had two new roomates... Charolette and Desiree from Sweden! They were really nice and fun to hang out with.. The last day they were here we decided to go to the bar.. Charolette and I went and Laure and Desiree were to follow.. by the time they got to the bar Char and I had met sooo many people... and for some reason most of them were Irish! lol i think i met about 8 or so that night! lol a few i had no idea what they were saying especially as the drinking went on.. but it was a great time.. we met alot of people from the hostel.. which is good.. becuase withi t being the Christmas/ New Years season everyone keeps leaving Melbourne for Sydney.. so it was nice to meet some new people again..
Christmas was great.. of course i missed having snow and family for christmas but my first christmas away from home was awesome! I took a train out to Traralgon.. when i bought my tickets i was told it would be so easy to get to Traralgon as the train station was only 1 block from my hostel.. and the train went directly to where my family lives... well once i got there everything just went down hill.. i was told to go to Platform 6.. then to Platform 10 then back to Platform 6... then i was told to catch the train that was about to pull away.. and i had no idea where to get off.. a nice lady informed me i had to get off 2 stops ago.. so i get off and try to catch a train back.. but i couldnt find it so i asked the lady that worked there and she sent me to another train station where i would be able to catch the train that leaves the city... only an hour behind schedule now haha so i caught my train got there and was told that no train is running at the moment becuase of some signalling problems and that i would have to take a city trian out to Pakenham then switch trains and take the country train to Traralgon! ugh.. if only they had told me of this slight change to begin with ahah they werent able to tell me if the trains were direct connection so we thought i might have to sit there for a while so my Cousin Steve said hed meet me in Pakenham which was only an hour away... soo eventually i did get there! lol Im pretty sure that i had an easier time getting from Canada to Australia then out of Melbourne 2 hrs hahaha
Once i got there i met my Aussie family.. I met my Great Great Aunty Joan.. and her son Steve and his wife Sandi... They were very nice and welcoming and we had lots to chat about that evening.. we looked over pictures of my Grandmother growing up.. haha and figured otu exactly how we were raletd lol we went for supper and then out to meet Stevens son Robert.. he lived out of town a fair ways and you have to go alll the way up this big hill.. it was very beautfiul from up there.. you could see all across the valley.. on the way home i got to see some wildlife! i got to see a Wombat! which looks like a big fat procupine minus the quills haha so i was pretty excited.. was hoping to see some Kangaroos but didnt..
The next morning the rest of the family showed up.. I got to meet Steves other two sons Martin and James.. along with the wives and many children.. it was a great day of chatting and hearing storeies that made me realize my family in Canada is just the same! lol found alot of simularities.. We had a very amazing christmas dinner and ate alot of dessert... then it was present time! there are 9 grandchildren so it was fun to see them get soo excited about their gifts.. I even got presents! Steve and Sandi gave me a bag with Soaps and lotions in it.. and Aunty Joan gave me a very fancy bottle of Shower Gel.. it was pretty excited to open a couple of presents as well..
The next day Steve, Sandi, Aunty Joan and i all decided to go to Wallhalla.. it was a very cute small town that had started because of the gold mine.. it was really neat cuz the town was stretched out along the road.. cuz on one side of the road was a creek and the other side had the stores and houses.. so it went on for a fair ways... We even got to take a train from the lower part of the hill to the top! Steve was bugging me cuz when we got there they told us the Train wasnt working... lol Steve figures im the common denominator when it coems to train problems hahaha but eventually it came and we got to go was pretty neat.. got to drive through the forest and go over some creeks adn rivers.. seen lots of beautiful birds and flowers.. After that we hurried back to Traralgon so i could catch my train back.. it was a perfect Aussie christmas..
Once back at the hostel.. i ran into one of the Irish guys, Larry, from a few nights before.. and he invited me to go play Laser tag with them! lol it was alot of fun.. there was 14 people all together! 11 guys and 3 girls! lol we played 3 games and were sooo tired once it was over hahah but it was such a blast!
well thats about it for now... i better go and get some laundry done.. take care! love you all!
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