We'll life in a hostel is going well... I've been at the Flinders Station Hotel for about 2 weeks now and am really liking it! I have had some awesome roommates! (luckily...) At the moment i am still rooming with Laure (french Girl) and Selija (not sure on the spelling - Norway).. our fourth roommate keeps switching.. one afternoon I met our new roommate and she was from Wales.. the next morning when we all got up it was a totally different girl! and she was from Korea! haha kinda surprised us but shes a very nice studiest girl
We went out for cheap drinks at the hostel bar last night... 2 for 1 jug of beers! mmmmm the beer isnt Kokanee but im slowly figuring out which ones i like and which ones i tolerate! lol
Last night Selija and I met a guy from New Zealand (Kent).. I asked him what hes doing in Australia... Travelling? Working???.... He tells me hes an Opera Singer! I really wasnt expecting that and was a little shocked.. I think he figured i didnt believe him so in the middle of the bar he broke into song!!!!! hahaha it was so cute and hilarious! and he was REALLLLY good!! We ended up hanging out with him for the rest of the night and when we went to say our goodbyes he offered to get us tickets to see the opera he is singing in this Friday! Selija and I are little excited! (we like free stuff... true backpackers)
I'm still looking for a job.. nothing yet.. but my Recruiter told me "it looks promising" hahah not sure what that means.. but ok! lol And if all else fails I'll be the new employee of the local McDonalds! hehe
Well its time for me to get back to my busy day of doing nothing.. this is a fine art that I have mastered! Looking busy when doing absolutly nothing!! lol
Take care! Talk to you all soon!!!
(Mom just wrote me to tell me it is 30 below on the farm!!! HAHA!!)
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