This country continues to amaze us and everyday brings more highlights. Today we slept in and were late for breakfast but no big deal because things happen when they happen in Cuba.
Walked the city for a couple of hours back to main sights and into residential backstreets. Daily life goes on around us and we share the streets with horse and cart, children off to school, taxi carts, old motor bikes with sidecars etc and very few cars. Every corner turned brings a new experience.
Off to the beach in the pm in a tiny very old taxi that had to be push started - a few hours lazing on the beach where we met others from our group who invited us to join them going back in a massive old open Pontiac convertible - well when the driver had his hands on the wheel it was great - he stopped half way and got a bottle of rum out from under the seat and we all had a swig including him! He took us to where he is restoring an old US Ford police car in a front yard garage (in the backyard were pigs). We also stopped near a railway line to watch a local train ( bus on wheels on the rails) which apparently goes all the way to Havana
Whole group dinner tonight at our Casa (more lobster for both of us - it's a hard life!) then more music for Virginia but bed for Alan
Tomorrow is a 6 hour drive to Camaguey and I think sleeping and recharging the batteries will be the go on the bus
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