...I find out my sleeping bag is doing just fine, thank you very much, even though temperature at night in the tent was sub zero
...remembering that from Canada on there is no more water access, we realize that the expression: "I'm gonna get snow for breakfast, you want some?" makes perfect sense here...
...I dump a poo bag under a rock here vowing to return for it!
...we eat, pack lazily and set off to Nido. Going is harder than expected, especially that from halfway into the trip our backpacks become 2x heavier (remember the food we deposited under a rock the day before?);
...we stop frequently and we arrive exhausted, by the end passed even by elderly Japanese ladies (no joke!) but when we pitch our tent on a desolate rocky plain (pegs very difficult) with furious wind all over at an elevation of 5600m asl there's a small feeling of pride. And an enormous headache.
...we survive a pretty cold night (-8C in the tent at dawn), some frosty condensation on the ceiling wetting our sleeping bags and very noisy Russian neighbors (this is, btw, a very large camp).
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