As I sit down to update you on the past few months, this will be the last entry from Broome for a while, but more about that later.
We've had a very very mild dry season, with me only whinging about the cold weather I think twice, I only recall wearing gloves, track pants and hoodie down the beach twice. Much less than last year. There haven't been many foggy mornings either which has been a surprise. Sadly there have been some deliberately lit fires in and around town and we now wait for new green shoots to sprout. In fact there isn't much green to be seen at all and it's a long time before the wet season rolls in. Beautiful sunny days with a little too much wind for my liking. Having said that the last two days have been very humid (82% right now) which is a sign of things to come......grrr!!!
There doesn't appear to have been the number of tourists that usually frequent Broome at this time of year. Our park was only full for about 2 weeks, when in reality it should have been 2 - 3 months. We're not complaining as we get a bit protective of our patch.
The Broome racing carnival is over and I have to confess we didn't go to one race meeting. Not sure why, but it just didn't have the attraction it once did. I did love seeing the horses down the beach in the morning training but neither one of us made any effort to get to a meeting - not to worry! There will be plenty more country race meetings to visit next year. We did however have a fabulous night at the Cable Sounds Racing Carnival concert where we were entertained by Eskimo Joe and The Hoodoo Gurus....can't keep a good old Aussie band down. Nothing better than good live music with the backdrop of a sunset over Cable Beach....simply perfect.
Kimbo has continued to work like a trooper and never tires of the sometimes long days and weeks. In fact today will be another 12+ hour day. Unlike my good self who manages to sneak a 5-6 hour day in 3-4 days/week. Which is fine because it leaves me plenty of time to undertake my domestic goddess duties! As well as time to get to the gym and pilates, which I must confess are enjoyable but I can't see any tangible results, which may have something to do with the amount of time we spend socialising.
We celebrated the engagement of Di and Mick and now have a wedding to look forward to next year.
Then, just when I think life has become a bit routine and predictable, which is always a little challenging for me, we were lucky enough to have spend an evening with the great Kevin Sheedy. What a fabulous guy he is and was able to impart such wisdom and food for thought. Well done Towns Footy Club and RSL for hosting him, what a charming man he is and has the capacity to make everyone feel very special.
In early August we were thrilled to welcome Rose and Andrew who'd decided to escape the chilly Melbourne winter for a week with us. Rather than talking about it they actually did it! It was doubly exciting as Rose celebrated her birthday with us and we had a fantastic meal at the Cable Beach Club. She was revisiting after being here with us in 2002.
We did do something we'd never done before and visited the dinosaur footprints at Gantheaume Point that can only be seen at very low tide. I hope you can see what we saw! We also had a fun night with Ken and Wendy but those photos have disappeared......I hope you didn't have anything to do with it Wendy! :-)
Then last night I was able to catch up with my dear friend Lyn who was transiting through Broome before commencing her Kimberley camping adventure today, pretty exciting for a 70 year old. What a legend she is, and reminds me of what is possible.
Last Sunday the Rotary Club of Broome pr ovided a sensational dinner on the beach for the Variety Club Bash who left Sydney many days ago and their great adventure was all but over. The cocktails that were provided to us were sensational, and I have absolutely no idea what the mix was, but suspect it wasn't good for us. A great time was had by all, and we were all gone before the tide rolled in.
Still loving volunteering at the Red Cross shop and snagging a bargain.
As I said in my intro this is the last entry from Broome for a while as we start another short adventure tomorrow. UK, Ireland and UAE here we come. A lot of you would know that I'm pretty much over Broome but Kimbo loves not only his job but his workmates (yes there's a lot of bromancing going on). He knew the only way to keep me here a bit longer was to dangle a lovely carrot in front of me and that's what we undertake tomorrow. Five weeks, of fun, frivolity and friends. For those of you on Facebook you will be inundated with updates. For those of you who aren't I will update the blog, it won't happen overnight but it will happen.
Hope you are all well and life is being kind to you. Until next time.
xx :-)
- comments
marisa Hi Di & Kim. sound like life is just perfect , love reading all about your adventures ! sounds like Broome is suffering from all the free camping that is going on , everyone is always complaining about how much their being charged for camping sites , we've been suffering too :( Hope you both Enjoy your Holiday , where off to New Zealand in 50 days ,, NOT COUNTING ha ha ha only for 3 weeks , its been awhile . Hope this finds you both well & fighting fit xx Happy Travels :))
Michelle Nanino Always enjoy your blogs and pics and can't wait to read about the overseas sojourn into cooler climates. Only issue about the holiday will be the weather in Broome on your return. Doesn't bear thinking about! What a great life you have to deal with!
busmartins It could take awhile before I get to updating my blog with the amazing overseas exploits Michelle but to say it was extraordinary is an understatement. Perhaps I should say watch this space. Great to catch up xx
busmartins lol NO free camping in Broome, travellers simply aren't coming here anymore. Too expensive and under appreciated. I'm just about to read the proposed changes to the local government camping/caravan parks legislation. Could make for an interesting read. Hope you're having an amazing time Marisa and Jeff, mind you it's not hard in beautiful New Zealand. Life has been pretty busy since we've been back, but more about that later. Suffice to say we are both well and fighting fit. x