At the moment of writing we are all ready in phuket. A bus ride of 16 hours away from Bangkok. At my last Blog we were still in sukhotai were we've seen old temples and dirty dogs. Since then we saw a lot more of homeless dogs along the way, even in Bangkok.
Apart from dogs on our trip we've seen a lot of other animals in the wild, like my mother and sister who are also in Thailand. But I want to stick to the safaripark and the bridge over the river kwai. Who are both in kanchanaburi.
There are so many choices on a trip like this, life in general. We were a bit done with seeing temples there are more than 35000. Running in and out. It would last more than 2 lifetimes The lady from our guesthouse told us to go to the safaripark. Why not? We thought.
After being on a scooter for an hour we were finally there. A big tiger on a chain was laying on a wooden floor. And in 2 separate cages were his newborn son and a little jaguar who just got fed a bottle of milk. We bought our tickets and we're told that it was worth it to buy 5 little buckets with bananas and carrots. The bus driver checked our tickets and we could sit in a completely empty bus. We noticed that the Windows could complete open. A bit dangerous with a safari that drove past lairs of bears.
Deers, antelopes, bears, tigers, jaguars, lions and more deers. We fed the deers some carrots. I threw a carrot to the lion but he couldn't be bothered. The driver did not like it, so fast forward to the part that was really cool.
The giraffes. You have all seen them in the zoo . Long necks long legs 2 horns on their head and spotted. When the gates opened and we entered their domain they were coming towards the bus. Long strides but moving fast. Our windows were open and there they came. 1,2,3 5 heads in the bus with their long necks. Lizet panicked because they were eating out of her bucket of bananas and they had such long tongues. It was surreal. The baby girrafe tried to push his head through but their was not enough space. After a while the driver drove away to the zebras to give them our last pieces of vegetables.
Then it ended. Out of the bus he said. Luckily for us we could go to 2 shows the alligator and the elephant show. As I said before people in Thailand are crazy. Not only in traffic but also when it comes to handle wild animals. They opened the mouths of crocodiles and let the people throw coins in it. After the mouth was filled they thought it was a cool idea to put their heads in there as well. Being tourists in the low season has its benefits because we were asked to come close to take pictures while they were surfing the biggest alligator in Thailand.
That was one show. The elephant show was a completely different experience. Again we were targeted by the show host. Thailand gibberish and bad music all the time but when he needed volunteers for an act he spoke perfect English. He asked a man and a woman. Nobody reacted not even us. But he kept talking English. Nobody understood except us. He wanted us to go to the ring. So we did.
They laid down a plastic sheet on the ground and told us to lay down on it. Then they put another one over us and pulled it up to our heads. We felt wat was going to happen next. There she came a collosal creature. The elephant daisy. The trainers carefully led her to us. She moved slowly one step at a time. We could see her coming closer and closer. First lizet. Then me and back again. All the Thai people in the audience were looking in awe. Then they laughed because daisy was touching my manly parts with her slurf( I don't know the name in English). I laughed as well. When daisy was done stepping over us we could sit safe in the audience again. That was what I thought. Moe tricks of the elephants and again he needed a volunteer (he was asking it in English again so we knew the drill). But it had to be a male for a special Thai massage.
I laid down again under the plastic sheets and looked the elephant in the eyes and tried to make clear that she had to be gentle. Try to explain that to a Thai, and then to a Thai elephant. It's impossible. She raised her feet and put pressure on my ding Don. I got laughed at by everyone including myself.
What a bunch of ridiculous lovely crooked people!
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