Sjors' latest entry
New York, New York
Remember when I first began and said that we weren't sure that we would have a big enough budget. Well in the end we managed. And we did everything we wanted to do. Up to new york our accommodation was perfect. But since 3,5 months of travelling and shopping is kind of expensive we had to compromise. We found this new website where you can …
Ismail 2 nice 2 be true ...
re:David Hagan Nice blog, we are actually couchsurfing on Langkawi at the moment and enjoying it very much, no more beer after the other night though - but still eating lots and lots of roti canai...
re: Habbekrats Langkawiien iewh wat is dat?
re: photo from 18 April 2013Karin Lammerts Have a good journey, we will follow you and will be looking forward to your stories
re: Waiting for departure..